• My father

    10-09-20 My father was an exceptional man. He may not have been a perfect man. But he was a good man. And he loved us. All I wanted to do today was to give him a dignifiedsending. Is that really so much to ask? So... Maybe... Maybe he had some things he like...

  • 研究:年收入5万英镑感觉最幸福

    10-09-11 Money can buy you happiness but only if you earn 50,000 a year after that you really have to work for it, a study claims. 最新研究表明,金钱的确能买来幸福,但前提是你恰好年入5万英镑。如果你挣得更多,幸福不幸福就要靠你自己争取了。 Earning less than t...

  • Life's Advice

    10-09-08 Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don't leave any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and it's meaningless to oppress yourself. 人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。 D...

  • Ambition 抱负

    10-09-08 It is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition(野心,抱负) . It would probably be a kinder world: without demands, without abrasions(擦伤,磨损) , without disappointments. People would have time for reflection. Such work as they did wo...

  • 古人已开始用盛宴庆祝重要仪式

    10-08-31 Whether the occasion is a wedding reception(婚宴) or another milestone in life, the feast is a time-honored ritual(仪式,惯例) in which a large meal marks a significant occasion. We know that the Romans, Greeks and Vikings did it, and today it's...

  • 怎么说“假死”

    10-08-31 好莱坞的间谍片中经常能看到主角手里拿着n个国家的护照,每个护照上的身份都不同。他在这个国家遇害后,仍然可以在别的国家风光无限地生活。当然,这是他们工作需要,不需要我们同情,有时可能还有点羡慕。不过在现实生活中,有些人因为经历了太多磨难,实在撑不下去了...

  • Is he dying? 他就要死了吗?

    10-08-26 Is he dying? A man was sitting in a bar with tears streaming down his face. A friend walked in and asked why he was so unhappy. The weeping one said, The doctor has just told me I'll have to take these tablets for the rest of my life. Cheerfully, hi...

  • Raccoons 浣熊

    10-08-26 Raccoons Part of my job at the state fish and wildlife department is to lend equipment to residents for trapping and relocating raccoons. A man who had been successful at capturing one of the animals called to ask whether raccoons mated(成双的,成...

  • 童年生活可影响到患精神疾病的风险

    10-08-19 For more than a century, clinical investigators have focused on early life as a source of adult psychopathology(精神病理学) . Although the hypothesized(假定,假设) mechanisms have evolved, a central notion remains: early life is a period of uniq...

  • 多数美国人对未来感到悲观 宁愿回到过去

    10-08-07 Most Americans think the quality of life for adults under 30 years old, or Generation Y, won't be as good as it is for their baby-boomer parents, according to a new poll. 一项最新民调显示,多数美国人认为30岁以下的年轻人也就是所谓的Y一代的生活质量将...