• make one's mouth watery 垂涎欲滴

    22-06-06 垂涎欲滴,汉语成语,意思是馋得连口水都要滴下来了,形容非常想吃的样子,也比喻十分羡慕,极想得到。可以翻译为make ones mouth watery,keep a covetous eye on或drool/salivate over something等。 例句: 约翰逊对快要到手的几百万垂涎欲滴。 Johnson was salivat...

  • keep away from somebody/something 退避三舍

    22-05-18 退避三舍,汉语成语,原指为了回避与对方的冲突,主动退让九十里(retreat about thirty miles as a condition for peace);常用于比喻退让和回避,避免冲突。可以翻译为give way to somebody to avoid a conflict; keep away from somebody/something等。 例句: 这...

  • keep people guessing 卖关子

    21-11-19 卖关子,原指说书人(pingshu performer)说长篇故事,每次总在说到重要关节处停止,借以保持悬念(stop a story at a climax to keep the listeners in suspense),吸引听众接着往下听。 现在用来比喻说话、做事在紧要的时候,故弄玄虚,让人着急,英文可以翻译为del...

  • Keep your wits about you! 保持头脑清醒,随机应变

    21-06-15 这个表达多用于提醒他人出门在外应注意周围环境,提高警觉的语境中。它的意思是保持头脑冷静,做好准备,随时应变。 例句 Keep your wits about you when driving on this stretch of road its narrow and winding. 在这条狭窄、曲折的路上开车要多加留意。 You have t...

  • keep your chin up 保持干劲

    21-04-24 表达 keep your chin up 把下巴抬起来 可用来鼓励长时间努力做一件事的人要 坚强振作,保持干劲。它也可以被简略地说成 chin up 别气馁,振奋起来,接着干。和 keep your chin up 意思相近的表达还有 keep going 坚持下去 和 stay strong 保持坚强。 例句 I know revis...

  • keep up appearances 撑场面

    21-01-12 撑场面,中文俗语,意思是维持外表上的排场和规模等,亦作撑门面,可以翻译为maintain an outward show of prosperity。也可以用英文俗语keep up appearances表示,有maintain an impression of wealth or well-being的意思。 例句: 请一定来给我撑撑场面吧。 Please...

  • 洁身自好

    21-01-08 洁身自好的意思是保持自身的纯洁,不同流合污。也指怕招惹是非,只关心自己,不关心公众事情。可以翻译为keep oneself unspotted from the world或remain unspotted from the world. 例句: 她不太聪明,但是她洁身自好。 She is not very bright, but she remains uns...

  • 逃离惩罚

    20-10-15 1.get away with sth 意思是做(错事)而未被惩罚,做(坏事)而未被发觉。 The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it. 那些罪犯知道怎样钻制度的空子并逃脱惩罚。 2.mature 可以形容味道醇厚的,酿熟的, Do you prefer mild or mature chedda...

  • 与舌头有关的习语

    15-06-18 give tongue 直言无忌,明确地表示出来 hold one's tongue 沉默不语,住嘴 keep a civil tongue 措词谨慎,说话文雅,说话彬彬有礼 with one's tongue in one's cheek 假心假意地;(说话)无诚意地;言不由衷地 bite the tongue 保持缄默,不做声 have lost one's tongu...

  • Women 'cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours' 调查:

    09-09-27 A woman is telling her friend a secret. The average woman cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours, a new study suggests. The average woman cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours, a new study suggests. Researchers found that women are ov...