• 《誓约》精彩词句

    23-01-31 1. These flashes of high intensity that completely turn our lives upside down, actually end up defining who we are. 这些彻底改变我们人生的深刻光景会决定我们是谁。 2. As you know, your wifes CT scan showed intracranial hemorrhaging. 你也知道,你太太...

  • keep an eye out for something 留意,特别注意

    22-12-01 搭配 keep an eye out for something 的意思是 睁大眼睛看,特别留意某人或某事,以免错过。另一个类似的短语是 keep your eye open for something,意思基本相同。 例句 Keep your eye out for the postie Im expecting a parcel. 留意一下有没有邮递员来,我在等包裹...