• have a foot in both camps 脚踏两条船

    22-08-26 我今天首先要问一下喜欢养宠物的朋友,在猫和狗中间,你更喜欢哪个呢?有些朋友会说,狗通人性,绝不养猫。另外一些朋友则会说,猫聪明美丽,绝不养狗。但是肯定也会有些宠物爱好者是,have a foot in both camps. Camp是阵营的意思。 To have a foot in both camps,...

  • 无话可说

    22-08-11 1. Speechless 因为厌恶或者吃惊而无语~ 例:Im so tired of my friends excuses that I am speechless. 我朋友总是找各种理由来搪塞我,简直无语了我! 2. Bite back (something)/ bite (something) back 想说又不能说,话到了嘴边只能咽回去。英文里bite有咬的意思,...

  • advance bravely 勇往直前

    22-08-10 勇往直前,汉语成语,意思是勇敢地一直向前进。可以翻译为march forward courageously,advance bravely等。 例句: 坚持不懈,勇往直前。 Hold on and keep going. 勇往直前是成功者的本色。 Going ahead is the winners choice....

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 66

    22-07-22 Philip worked well and easily; he had a good deal to do, since he was taking in July the three parts of the First Conjoint examination, two of which he had failed in before; but he found life pleasant. He made a new friend. Lawson, on the lookout fo...

  • 天知地知你知我知

    22-06-28 Can I count on you? 我可以信任你吗? Could you keep a secret? 你能保密吗? Keep it to yourself. 你自己知道就行了。 This is for your ears only. 我只告诉你了哦。 Dont say I told you. 千万别说是我告诉你的。 This is not public knowledge. 这可不是谁都能...

  • 想要朋友迎难而上,你可以说:

    22-06-13 1.Hang in there. 别气馁。 2.Dont give up. 别放弃。 3.Keep pushing. 再加把劲。 4.Pull yourself together. 振作起来。 5.Stay strong. 坚强点。...

  • 面对朋友的精彩表现,你可以毫不吝啬地说:

    22-06-13 1.There you go! 干得不错! 2.Keep up the good work. 继续努力哦。 3.Keep it up. 坚持哦。 4.Good job. 干得好。 5. Im so proud of you! 你是我的骄傲!...

  • to keep your cards close to your chest 守口如瓶

    22-06-10 to keep your cards close to your chest dont reveal your plans 将牌藏在胸前 - 不泄露自己的计划,守口如瓶 例句: I kept my cards close to my chest during the negotiation. (Card games) 在谈判的过程中,我一直对于自己的底牌守口如瓶。(纸牌游戏)...

  • 有话直说吧!

    22-06-10 1. Dont hum and haw. Give it to me straight. 别支支吾吾的,有话直说吧。 2. Dont beat around the bush. 别拐弯抹角了! 3. Dont keep me in suspense. 别和我卖关子。 4. Its time to talk turkey about the problems in our relationship. 我们感情方面的问题是时...

  • 别人已经开始做了,你给予鼓励:

    22-06-07 1. There you go! 做得不错啊! 2. Keep up the good work. 再接再厉。 3. Keep it up. 继续保持。 4. Good job. 干得不错。 5. Im so proud of you! 真为你骄傲!...