• occupational classification 职业分类

    15-08-21 China has released a new occupational classification system to keep pace with a fast-changing employment sector, and provide guidance for occupational education and job qualification criteria for burgeoning industries. 我国近期发布了新的职业分类体系...

  • 英国女王招募可以帮她回信的人

    15-08-17 She gets around 60,000 letters a year. But now The Queen is looking for somebody to help write the replies. 英国女王每年会收到60000封左右的信。现在女王正在寻觅可以帮她回信的人。 The successful applicant must be capable of processing a large volume o...

  • 伦敦某上班族每天乘飞机上下班

    15-08-09 A London office worker who was sick of the city's rip-off prices worked out that he would spend less commuting to his job from Spain. 伦敦一个上班族受够了伦敦突破天际的物价,他算出从西班牙打飞的曲线上班要更省钱。 Three months ago, he actually did it...

  • give someone the moon door 与某人分手

    15-08-06 To give someone the moon door means to break up with somebody. Alternatively, it means to fire somebody from a job. 把某人推出月亮门指与某人分手,也可以指,把某人炒鱿鱼。 Basically, the word describes any situation in which someone's position or sta...

  • 奥巴马讲话 公平住房体系

    15-07-24 Hi, everybody. It's our job as citizens to make sure we keep pushing this country we love toward our most cherished ideals-that all of us are created equal, and all of us deserve an equal shot. This week, my Administration took new steps to bring us...

  • 英国某公司送1000镑吸引面试者上门

    15-07-11 Midas Media, located in Melton Mowbrey in the East Midlands, are taking the unique step of paying anybody who attends a job interview with them £1,000. What legends eh? The job would be working in digital marketing. 位于英国东部地区梅尔顿莫布雷的米...

  • 大学校长开网店销售人才

    15-07-09 The fierce competitiveness of today's job market has driven one university dean to look online. He Hua, 39, the dean of Kunming University, has set up a store on Taobao where employers can browse and 'buy' the young graduates. He, the youngest unive...

  • Universal Laws of the Office

    15-06-23 Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings. They did it by killing all those who opposed them. If you can stay calm while all around you there's chaos, then you probably haven't completely understood the seriousness of the situation. Doin...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁维护劳动者权益

    15-06-19 Hi, everybody. My top priority as President is to grow the economy and help more hardworking Americans get ahead. And after the worst economic crisis in our lifetimes, our businesses have now created 12.6 million new jobs over the past 63 months. Th...

  • princess clan 格格党

    15-06-14 Princess clan is a workplace expression used to describe those who were mostly born after 1985, take their job as play, pay too much attention to their own needs and are too socially unsophisticated to heed public standards. 格格党是职场的一种称呼,...