• 乔拜登讲话 呼吁免除社区大学学费

    15-05-08 Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Joe Biden and I'm here filling in for President Obama, who is traveling abroad. And I'm here with a simple message: middle-class economics works. Our economy has gone from crisis to recovery to now to resurgence-with th...

  • 服装品牌影响面试结果

    15-05-03 Imagine this: You're interviewing two people for a job. They're equally competent, capable, and qualified -- but you can see that one is wearing an outfit from HM and the other's clothes are clearly from Louis Vuitton. Which candidate will you hire?...

  • “土豪”的几种翻译

    15-04-09 1. newly rich:新富;暴发户 2. upstart:柯林斯高阶词典的解释是You can refer to someone as an upstart when they behave as if they are important, but you think that they are too new in a place or job to be treated as important.翻译成中文就是暴发户、新...

  • 奥巴马讲话 希望美国人民过上舒适体面的退休生活

    15-03-08 Hi everybody.In America, we believe that a lifetime of hard work and responsibility should be rewarded with a shot at a secure, dignified retirement.It's one of the critical components of middle-class life-and this week, I took new steps to protect...

  • 面试官可能提到的奇葩问题

    15-02-23 When you come face to face with your prospective boss, only to be asked: Who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman? 当你与未来的上司面对面时,他却问道:超人与蝙蝠侠,谁更胜一筹? Or perhaps: If a hippo falls in a hole how would you get it...

  • group interview 群面

    15-02-15 Group interviews involve getting a group of job candidates together to meet with one or more interviewers. Candidates may be required to participate in work-simulation exercises. These can take the form of group problem-solving sessions where each c...

  • 奥巴马讲话 将于下周二发布国情咨文

    15-01-24 Hi, everybody. Every day, we get thousands of letters and emails at the White House from Americans across the country-and every night, I read ten of them. They tell me about their hopes and their worries, their hardships and successes. They're the A...

  • Three Government Contractors

    15-01-14 Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House in D.C.; one from New Jersey, another from Tennessee and the third, from Florida. They go with a White House official to examine the fence. The Florida contractor takes out a tap...

  • 奥巴马讲话 表达美国复苏美好祝愿

    15-01-10 Hi, everybody. As 2014 comes to an end, we can enter the New Year with new confidence that America is making significant strides where it counts. The steps we took nearly six years ago to rescue our economy and rebuild it on a new foundation helped...

  • 逗比业余爱好引人发笑

    14-12-31 Hapless jobseekers are listing sleeping, watching TV and even browsing Facebook on their CVs, according to a poll. 一项调查结果显示,逗比求职者们在简历中列出的业余爱好包括睡觉、看电视和浏览Facebook页面。 The pointless pastimes listed as 'outside int...