• 北京仍是求职者的第一选择

    16-12-22 Despite the choking smog, Beijing is still the number one choice for graduate job seekers based on its soft environment, according to a report published on December 20. 12月20日发布的一份报告显示,尽管有令人窒息的雾霾,基于其软环境,北京仍是毕业生求...

  • 如何提防战斗狂型的同事

    16-10-27 Who They Are: Conflict junkies are a combination of all the other types described, grafted into the most toxic and hostile contagion to ever poison the workplace. If Ebola was a personality type, it would be a conflict junkie. How to Identify Them:...

  • 如何提防乞丐型的同事

    16-10-27 Who They Are: Panhandler colleagues walk the line between performing at their job and hunting for constant recognition. They are time-stealing attention seekers desperate for continuous praise. How to Identify Them: Youll find these gregarious types...

  • clock-watcher 看表族

    16-08-24 Clock-watcher is an employee who demonstrates lack of interest in a job by watching the time closely to be sure to stop work as soon as the workday or shift is over. Clock-watcher指对工作心不在焉,总是不停看时间的员工,下班点一到他们就会停下手里的工...

  • the funemployed 失业快乐族

    16-08-24 The funemployed refers to people who are unemployed and using the free time to have fun and explore new areas in their lives while they wait for their next job opportunity. 失业快乐族(the funemployed)指在等待下个工作机会来临期间利用空余时间享受生...

  • A Bad Day at Work

    16-08-23 Rob is a commercial saturation diver for Global Divers in Louisiana. He performs underwater repairs on offshore drilling rigs. Below is an e-mail he sent to his sister. She then sent it to radio station 103.2 FM in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, who was sponso...

  • 谈加薪时避免以下几个失误

    16-07-16 If youre looking for a raise, or looking for a new job and dread the question so how much are you looking to make, youre walking into a minefield that could either result in you making a good, fair wage, or getting underpaid from the start. Here are...

  • 鲍里斯·约翰逊被任命为英国外交部长

    16-07-14 Former Mayor of London Boris Johnson was Wednesday night appointed Foreign Secretary by Britains new Prime Minister Theresa May. 伦敦前市长鲍里斯约翰逊周三晚被新任首相特雷莎梅任命为外交部长。 Until now a back-bencher, the promotion will cascade John...

  • 印度员工的工作幸福感最强

    16-06-11 If you are reading this sat at your desk, wishing you were anywhere else other than at work, you might think you share the same attitude towards your job as people around the world. 此刻坐在桌前阅读这篇文章的你,假如你的心飞到了办公室外,你大概会以...

  • 看看下面的诀窍 让简历大放光彩

    16-05-30 1. Enhance your contact information. Put simply: hiring managers are busy; make their job easier by hyperlinking your email address so that youre only one click away, says Wendy Enelow, co-author of Modernize Your Resume: Get NoticedGet Hired. Bear...