• 英国某医院病房成“口袋妖怪”道馆

    16-07-30 Royal Stoke University Hospital discovered that its casualty unit is on the same spot as a Pokemon Go gym - where players can train their newly caught Nintendo creatures. 英国斯托克大学皇家医院发现其病房成为了口袋妖怪(现实增强宠物养成对战类RPG手游...

  • 奥巴马最爱的8本小说

    16-03-02 Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison Song of Solomon ends up on many to-read book lists because of the author's 1993 Nobel Prize for literature, and because the book itself won the prestigious National Book Critics Fiction award in 1977. Somewhat like t...

  • 他不愿意走

    16-02-22 My husband worked at a hospital that was supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a patient who died there. This patient had spent a lot of time in the hospital and reportedly liked it there. My husband told me this story (he has had a few paranormal...

  • 小布什扮圣诞老人给儿童送礼物

    15-12-25 George W. Bush is nothing if not a good sport. 美国前总统小布什恐怕是最能放下身段的人了。 And in no better way was that illustrated when the former President donned a Santa suit for a hospital visit in Dallas. The 68-year-old was handing out toys at...

  • 世界首例儿童双手移植手术在费城完成

    15-07-30 Surgeons at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) joined with colleagues from Penn Medicine recently to complete the world's first bilateral hand transplant on a child. Earlier this month, the surgical team successfully transplanted donor h...

  • Changing of the Guard

    15-07-22 Changing of the Guard Timothy Steele Prior to sunrise, as it's growing light, Nocturnal birds relay The burden of their vocal arts To their diurnal counterparts. An owl hoots as a coda to the night; A finch chirps as a prelude to the day. It is as i...

  • conjoined twins 连体婴

    15-06-25 Twelve-week-old conjoined twins from Jiangxi province were successfully separated at a Shanghai hospital on Tuesday with the assistance of 3-D printing technology. 来自江西省一对12周的连体婴9日在上海一家医院借助3D打印技术被成功分离。 这对连体女婴臀...

  • 苏格兰中部发现埃博拉病例

    14-12-30 A female healthcare worker on Monday was confirmed as having Ebola after returning to Glasgow in central Scotland from Sierra Leone on Sunday night, the Scottish government said. 苏格兰政府宣布,一位女性卫生工作者周日晚上从塞拉利昂返回苏格兰中部城市...

  • 澳洲女子丛林中失踪17天终获救

    14-10-09 An Australian woman has been found 17 days after she got lost in the bush in northern Queensland with no food. 澳大利亚一位女子在昆士兰北部某处树林中失踪17天后被发现,她的身上未曾携带食物。 Shannon Leah Fraser stumbled out of the bush on Wednesday m...

  • To the point

    14-09-03 Author James Thurber depended on words for entertainment. He told me once about a trick he played on a nurse during one of his hospital stays. He asked her what a seven-letter word had three U's in it. She thought and then said, I don't know, but it...