• 吸烟使非裔美国人增加风湿性关节炎风险

    10-11-24 A new study determined that African Americans who smoke cigarettes have a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis ( RA风湿性关节炎 ). RA risk is more pronounced(显著的,断然的) among individuals positive for the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope(表...

  • 玉米基因组相互差异很大

    10-11-24 Most living plant and animal species have a certain, relatively small, amount of variation in their genetic make-up. Differences in height, skin and eye color of humans, for example, are very noticeable(显而易见的,显著的) , but are actually the c...

  • 研究人员发现生成干细胞新方法

    10-11-22 As debilitating(衰弱的) as disease can be, sometimes it acts as a teacher. Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine have found that by mimicking a rare genetic disorder in a dish, they can rewind the internal...

  • 日常糖尿病药物可延缓多囊肾囊肿的生长

    10-11-12 Researchers report that a drug commonly used to treat diabetes may also retard(延迟,阻止) the growth of fluid-filled cysts(囊肿) of the most common genetic disorder, polycystic kidney(多囊肾) disease. PKD does not discriminate by gender or ra...

  • DNA检测揭密欧洲首位农民的起源

    10-11-10 A team of international researchers led by ancient DNA experts from the University of Adelaide has resolved the longstanding issue of the origins of the people who introduced farming to Europe some 8000 years ago. A detailed genetic study of one of...

  • 触珠蛋白可作为1型糖尿病的生物标记

    10-10-27 Type 1 diabetes (T1D), formerly known as juvenile(青少年) diabetes, is a multifactorial(多因子的) disease of complex etiology(病因学) characterized by the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic(胰腺的) beta cells. In addition to genetic suscep...

  • 脑部基因活性取决于基因背景

    10-10-20 Researchers at the Allen Institute for Brain Science have found that the same genes have different activity patterns in the brain in individuals with different genetic backgrounds. These findings may help to explain individual differences in the eff...

  • 好男人为何会受女孩青睐

    10-10-17 Nice guys actually finish first when it comes to getting the girl, new research suggests. 一项新的研究表明,好男人事实上能够最先追到女孩。 Psychologists(心理学家) believe that traits such as selflessness and altruism(利他主义) have become part o...

  • 研究人员发现影响遗传物质交换的蛋白质

    10-10-14 A team led by a scientist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has discovered a regulatory protein that influences where genetic material gets swapped(交换,交易) between maternal and paternal chromosomes(染色体) during the process...

  • 气候变化影响到鲎的数量

    10-10-05 Having survived for more than 400 million years, the horseshoe crab(鲎) is now under threat primarily due to overharvest and habitat destruction. However, climatic changes may also play a role. Researchers from the University of Gothenburg reveal...