• 多重耐药性链球菌的进化路径研究获得成功

    11-01-30 Despite penicillin(盘尼西林) and the dozens of antibiotics that followed it, streptococcus(链球菌) bacteria have remained a major threat to health throughout the world. The reason: the superb(极好的,华丽的) evolutionary skills of this pathoge...

  • 医学院开设个人基因组测试课程

    11-01-25 BOSTON (January 24, 2011) Genetics in Medicine, the official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics, published this month a paper by Tufts University faculty calling for a moderate, strategic approach to teaching personalized genomic te...

  • 科学家揭示艾滋病毒外壳完整结构

    11-01-20 A team of scientists at The Scripps Research Institute and the University of Virginia has determined the structure of the protein package that delivers the genetic material of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to human cells. The work is the cu...

  • 成年人终生有患风湿性关节炎的危险

    11-01-06 Mayo Clinic researchers have determined the lifetime risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis(风湿性关节炎) and six other autoimmune rheumatic(风湿病的) diseases for both men and women. The findings appear online in Arthritis and Rheumatism. VIDE...

  • 研究发现与体重相关的基因突变体

    11-01-03 A large collaborative(合作的,协作的) study has added to the growing list of genetic variants that determine how tall a person will be. The research, published by Cell Press on December 30 in the American Journal of Human Genetics, identifies unco...

  • 野草莓基因族被成功定序

    10-12-27 Researchers at Oregon State University have helped sequence the genome of a wild strawberry, laying the groundwork(基础,地基) for genetic improvements to related fruits like apples, peaches and pears. The advance was published today in the journa...

  • 黑素瘤早期发展所需的蛋白质被发现

    10-12-24 Melanoma(黑素瘤) is one of the least common types of skin cancer, but it is also the most deadly. Melanocytes(生黑色素细胞) (pigment-producing skin cells) lose the genetic regulatory mechanisms that normally limit their number, allowing them to...

  • 导致极度冲动的变异基因被发现

    10-12-23 A multinational research team led by scientists at the National Institutes of Health has found that a genetic variant of a brain receptor molecule may contribute to violently impulsive behavior when people who carry it are under the influence of alc...

  • 新方法可有效诊疗早期特纳综合症

    10-12-09 A recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine(内分泌,激素) Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism (JCEM) has demonstrated a novel and accurate test for early diagnosis of Turner syndrome. Turner syndrome affects one in...

  • 大豆中某天然物质可能治疗儿童遗传疾病

    10-12-03 Scientists from The University of Manchester say a naturally occurring chemical found in soy(大豆,酱油) could prove to be an effective new treatment for a fatal genetic disease that affects children. Dr Brian Bigger, from the University's MPS Ste...