• 常见的变异基因易诱发精神分裂症和躁郁症

    11-09-20 Common genetic variants contribute to the risk of schizophrenia(精神分裂症) and bipolar disorder, an international research consortium has discovered. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are common and often devastating brain disorders, affecting a...

  • 研究人员绘制出鼠类基因蓝图

    11-09-19 Researchers have developed a valuable mouse genetic blueprint that will accelerate future research and understanding of human genetics. The international team, led by researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the University of Oxford, e...

  • 乌龟与蜥蜴是近亲

    11-07-26 BAR HARBOR Famous for their sluggishness(迟缓,萧条) , turtles have been slow to give up the secrets of their evolution and place on the evolutionary tree. For decades, paleontologists(古生物学者) who study fossils and molecular biologists who s...

  • 科学家创造出世界最先进的基因图谱

    11-07-21 A consortium(财团,联合) led by scientists at the University of Oxford and Harvard Medical School has constructed the world's most detailed genetic map. A genetic map specifies the precise areas in the genetic material of a sperm or egg where the...

  • 研究人员发现新的心脏性猝死遗传危害因子

    11-07-13 In a large and comprehensive investigation into the underlying causes of sudden cardiac death (SCD) a surreptitious(秘密的) killer of hundreds of thousands annually in the United States researchers have discovered a variation in the genome's DNA s...

  • 美科学家发明炭疽杆菌便捷检测器

    11-07-07 An automatic and portable detector that takes just fifteen minutes to analyze a sample suspected of contamination(污染) with anthrax(炭疽) is being developed by US researchers. The technology amplifies any anthrax DNA present in the sample and c...

  • 经基因改造的猪器官将用于人体移植

    11-07-01 A sizzling(极热的) genetic discovery by Chinese scientists may one day allow pig tissue to be transplanted successfully into humans. Their research presented in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology (http://www.jleukbio.org) represents a major step for...

  • 科学家成功定序袋獾基因组

    11-06-28 A revolutionary species-preservation approach based on whole-genome analyses of two Tasmanian devils(袋獾) -- one that had died of a contagious(感染性的) cancer known as Devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD) and one healthy animal -- has been used t...

  • 各种酵母基因组之比较

    11-06-22 If you think yeast is most useful for beer and pizza crust(外壳,面包皮) , here's something else to chew on: a team of U.S. researchers has identified and compared the genetic codes for all known species of yeasts closely related to bakers' and br...

  • 美国猎豹阿玛尼产下五只幼仔

    11-06-12 Five cheetah(猎豹) cubs were born May 28 to 6-year-old Amani at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Va. Amani is a dedicated mother according to keepers, who have observed her nursing and grooming the cubs. This litter i...