• 基因疗法可用于治疗先天嗅觉丧失

    12-09-04 Scientists have restored the sense of smell in mice through gene therapy for the first time -- a hopeful sign for people who can't smell anything from birth or lose it due to disease. The achievement in curing congenital anosmia(嗅觉缺失症) -- the...

  • 中国科学家成功破解双倍体棉花的基因组

    12-08-29 The international research team led by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and BGI have completed the genome sequence and analysis of a diploid(双倍的) cotton-- Gossypium raimondii. The cotton genome provides an invaluable resource for the st...

  • 人工智能鉴别变异蠕虫的细微差别

    12-08-20 Research into the genetic factors behind certain disease mechanisms, illness progression and response to new drugs is frequently carried out using tiny multi-cellular animals such as nematodes(线虫) , fruit flies or zebra fish. Often, progress rel...

  • 离散犹太人整体基因图谱绘制成功

    12-08-07 A new genetic analysis focusing on Jews from North Africa has provided an overall genetic map of the Jewish Diasporas. The findings support the historical record of Middle Eastern Jews settling in North Africa during Classical Antiquity, proselytizi...

  • 利用纳米孔探测DNA损伤情况

    12-06-19 Scientists worldwide are racing to sequence DNA -- decipher(解密) genetic blueprints -- faster and cheaper than ever by passing strands of the genetic material through molecule-sized pores. Now, University of Utah scientists have adapted this nano...

  • 基因突变与结肠癌发展的关系

    12-06-08 In exploring the genetics of mitochondria(线粒体) -- the powerhouse of the cell -- researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center have stumbled upon a finding that challenges previously held beliefs about the role of mutations in cancer dev...

  • 有些植物不需要光照也能生长

    12-05-17 Plants are dependent on the sun. Sunlight does not only supply them with energy, but also controls their development steps. So-called photoreceptors(感光器) activate the processes of germination(发芽) , leaf development, bud formation, and bloss...

  • 鲸群数量、状态与DNA有关

    12-05-10 Estimates of whale population size based on genetics versus historical records diverge greatly, making it difficult to fully understand the ecological implications of the large-scale commercial whaling of the 19th and early 20th centuries, but a com...

  • 石器时代欧洲农业生产状况

    12-04-27 One of the most debated developments in human history is the transition from hunter-gatherer to agricultural societies. A recent issue of Science presents the genetic findings of a Swedish-Danish research team, which show that agriculture spread to...

  • 俾格米人身材矮小相关基因被发现

    12-04-27 If Pygmies are known for one trait, it is their short stature: Pygmy men stand just 4'11 on average. But the reason why these groups are so short and neighboring groups are not remains unclear. Scientists have proposed various theories based on natu...