• put on a brave face 装作若无其事的样子

    21-09-07 如果说一个人在假装地高兴或故作镇定,好像什么事情都没有,就可以说 put on a brave face 即装作若无其事的样子。 例句 Mary didnt get the promotion she was expecting. But she put on a brave face and went to the office party. The athletes put on a brave fa...

  • you are blue in the face 花很长时间做一件事情

    21-09-07 如果你坚持做某事直到 you are blue in the face, 意思就是你花很长时间做一件事情,做到脸都发青了也没用,不会成功。 例句 Martin argued with his mother until he was blue in the face, but she still made him wash the dishes. You can walk up and down the hi...

  • hairdryer treatment “电吹风”管理

    21-09-02 亚历克斯弗格森爵士,也就是我们熟知的老佛爷,经常因为球员在场上表现不佳而对球员暴跳如雷、狂暴怒吼。他吼叫时用的力气巨大,球员们说感觉就像被电吹风吹过一样。老佛爷的这种管理方式也就因此成为了 hairdryer treatment 电吹风管理。 例句 The fear of getting th...

  • 虚拟偶像“阿喜”广受国内网友喜爱

    21-08-24 爱穿白T恤的阿喜长得就像一个可爱的邻家女孩,她牙齿有点歪,脸上有痘印,甚至会毫不顾忌地在镜头前打哈欠,然而,正是这样不完美的虚拟偶像却受到了国内广大网友的喜爱,人气直逼真人明星。 Your skins a bit dry, one user commented on a video posted by Angie, a...

  • stare you in the face 很明显

    21-08-16 当某人或某事 stare you in the face 的时候,比喻什么事情很明显,就在眼前。 例句 The detective realised soon that the solution to his case had been staring him in the face all along: the murderer was the butler! If we stay calm in a crisis we might fi...

  • show your face 露面

    21-08-03 Show ones face 的意思是在公共场合露面、露脸,尽管有时你不受欢迎。 例句 How dare you show your face in this restaurant after having left without paying last time you ate here! Mary wasnt keen on leaving her house after her husbands death but we insis...

  • shout oneself hoarse 声嘶力竭

    21-08-03 声嘶力竭,汉语成语,意思是声音嘶哑,气力用尽,形容拼命地叫喊。可以翻译为shout oneself hoarse,或shout oneself blue in the face。 例句: 他突然声嘶力竭地大叫。 He suddenly cried out at the top of his voice. 她声嘶力竭地尖叫着。 She screamed as loudly...

  • “笑哭”成全球最流行的表情符号

    21-07-19 7月15日,Adobe发布了《2021年全球表情符号趋势报告》,笑哭表情符号成为全球最流行的表情符号,点赞和红色爱心表情位列二三名。 The laugh out loud face is officially the worlds most popular emoji, according to researchers from Adobe (ADBE) who surveyed 7,0...

  • read somebody's face 察言观色

    21-07-14 察言观色,汉语成语,字面意思是carefully weigh up a persons words and closely watch his/her facial expressions,指观察言语脸色来揣摩对方的心意。可以翻译为watch a persons every mood或read somebodys face。 例句: 她善于察言观色,能领会经理的心思。 She...

  • 根据自己的脸型来选择太阳镜

    21-06-29 又到了戴太阳镜的季节。炎炎夏日戴上太阳镜不但可以防紫外线,而且看起来很酷。那么你知道自己戴什么样的太阳镜最好看吗?专家建议人们根据自己的脸型来选择太阳镜。 Square 方脸 If you have a square face, style expert Denise Caldwell suggests looking for round...