• The Incognito Lounge

    21-06-07 The Incognito Lounge Denis Johnson The manager lady of this apartment dwelling has a face like a baseball with glasses and pathetically repeats herself. The man next door has a dog with a face that talks of stupidity to the night, the swimming pool...

  • 三个包含单词face的英语表达

    21-06-02 Face 作名词使用时的意思是 脸、面孔,但当它作动词用时,意思则变为 面对,正视,承认。怎么用英语表达 勇敢面对某事?Face the music是什么意思? 用法总结 1 Cant face it 的意思是 不想面对,受不了做某事。 School is awful at the moment! I cant face it today!...

  • peace sign 剪刀手

    21-05-28 剪刀手的英文表达是:Peace sign或者Victory sign都可以。 例句: It is said that a peace sign will give away your finger prints. 据说剪刀手会泄露指纹信息。 比心用英语怎么说? 比心也是我们拍照常见的一种Pose。比心的英文表达是:Finger heart(用食指和拇指...

  • duck face 嘟嘴

    21-05-28 someones face when their lips are pushed outwards, especially in photographs 鸭子的嘴巴和人嘟嘴时候的样子有些像,因此duck face不是鸭子脸,而是人们嘟嘴的样子。 就是拍照时候,嘴唇往前噘的动作,和鸭子嘴非常像,是个很形象的表达。这个动作在自拍里很常见。...

  • just a pretty face 绣花枕头

    21-04-27 绣花枕头,汉语词语,字面意思是pillow with an embroidered case,比喻徒有外表而无学识才能的人,也指外表好看品质不佳的物品。可以翻译为just a pretty face或good only in looks。 例句: 他不过是个绣花枕头。 He is merely a pretty face. 你以为我只是个绣花枕...

  • 我妈嫌我丑,我该怎么办?

    21-03-29 Id rather have a beautiful heart than a beautiful face. Im really sorry you feel ugly but you have to realise everyone is beautiful in their own ways. Ignorant people wont look beyond your face and they are not worth your time. Intelligent people wi...

  • 笑哭表如今已out

    21-03-01 笑哭(Tears of Joy)表情包自诞生以来就一直深受全球网友追捧,这张又哭又笑的脸上仿佛有着无尽的含义,在很多聊天场合打出一张笑哭脸都毫不违和。它甚至打败众多流行语,当...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 36

    21-02-24 Mrs. Archer sat alone in the ranch-house living-room, doing absolutely nothing. As a matter of fact, she had little use for those minor solaces of knitting or crocheting which soothe the waking hours of so many elderly women. More than once, indeed,...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 35

    21-02-24 Vaguely, as of a sound coming from far distances, the crack of a revolver-shot penetrated to the girls numbed brain. It did not surprise her. Indeed, it roused only a feeling of the mildest curiosity in one whose nerves had been strained almost to t...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 29

    21-02-24 With her back against the veranda pillar, Mary Thorne watched the group of mounted men canter down the slope, splash across the creek, and file briskly through the gate leading to middle pasture. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that, for th...