• cold shoulder 闭门羹

    20-12-21 闭门羹,中文俗语,意思是被摒拒在门外、被拒绝。常用来形容遭到冷遇或碰壁。可以翻译为cold shoulder,give the cold shoulder,表示reject or be deliberately unfriendly,也可以用slam the door in somebodys face。 例句: 接下来这两名男子同样也给他吃了闭门羹...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 15

    20-12-20 In spite of much internal rebellion, Charlie held fast to his resolution, and Aunt Clara, finding all persuasions vain, gave in and in a state of chronic indignation against the world in general and Rose in particular, prepared to accompany him. The...

  • 化妆品的小秘密

    20-12-09 Have you ever gone out without putting your face on? Whether its a dash of foundation or a full application of lipstick, blusher or mascara, many would consider make-up essential before being seen. According to a survey by Fragrance Direct, a leadin...

  • have a face like thunder 火冒三丈

    20-12-02 表达 have a face like thunder(有一张雷公脸) 用来形容某人极度愤怒、火冒三丈的表情;with a face like thunder 可以形容某人一脸怒容,在生气地做某事时的样子。 例句 My father is a very patient man, but he was furious with my little brother when he crash...

  • 如何面对悲伤的情绪

    20-11-16 If there is one thing in life that we could choose not to experience, it is the death of someone we love. Losing a friend or family member is heartbreaking and hard to accept, but how we deal with it, and how we move on, varies from person to person...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 5

    20-11-11 AFTER being unusually good, children are apt to turn short round and refresh themselves by acting like Sancho. For a week after Toms mishap, the young folks were quite angelic, so much so that grandma said she was afraid something was going to happe...

  • The Mysterious Key And What It Opened - Chapter 6

    20-11-10 To no one but her mother and Hester did Lillian confide the discovery she had made. None of the former servants but old Bedford remained with them, and till Paul chose to renew the old friendship it was best to remain silent. Great was the surprise...

  • put on your game face 严肃点

    20-10-13 长脸是long face,圆脸是round face,鹅蛋脸是oval face,方脸是square face。 但大家知道game face是什么脸?一看就是游戏高手的面相?还是网瘾少年呢? 其实都不是啦!game face是表示面对艰难的任务或工作时,有坚定的决心,表情严肃认真。put on your game face(s)...

  • self-satisfied 扬扬得意

    20-10-10 扬扬得意,或得意洋洋,汉语成语,形容十分得意的样子,含贬义。可以翻译为be immensely proud;self-satisfied;be inflated with pride。 例句: 她一副扬扬得意的样子。 She had a self-satisfied smirk on her face. 他扬扬得意,觉得自己的一番努力立竿见影,效果...

  • Little Women - Chapter 40

    20-09-28 When the first bitterness was over, the family accepted the inevitable, and tried to bear it cheerfully, helping one another by the increased affection which comes to bind households tenderly together in times of trouble. They put away their grief,...