• 《恐龙当家》第13章

    22-11-09 Arlo screamed as the ferocious T-rexes came roaring toward them. He turned to try and run the other way, but the Pterodactyls were blocking him. With nowhere to go and no idea what to do, Arlo curled up into a ball over Spot, protecting him. The T-r...

  • 《恐龙当家》第2章

    22-11-03 By the time they were five years old, Buck, Libby, and Arlo were expected to help around the farm. The hard work seemed to come naturally to Libby and Buck. They always did their choresand they even knew how to have fun while doing it. Libby loved t...

  • 健康与医药

    22-10-24 身体健康是大家的心愿,但是谁能保证永远健康不去投医问药呢?《英语小测验》让你快速熟悉一些常用健康医药用语,有备无患。 1. I twisted my ankle badly, but luckily the doctor told me it was only ________ not broken so I have had it strapped up. a) bruised...

  • 完成时态

    22-10-19 1. All my life _________ to study abroad and have new experiences. a) I have wanted b) I am wanting c) I will have wanted d) I want 2. Before she visited the UK, she _________ an English person face to face. a) has never met b) has never been met c)...

  • 寻找长相酷似你的那个人

    22-10-18 单词 doppelganger 指的是长得和你一模一样的人,但这个人和你没有血缘关系。找到长相酷似你的那个人的机会很...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 16

    22-09-14 Carlo Rizzi was punk sore at the world. Once married into the Corleone Family, hed been shunted aside with a small bookmakers business on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Hed counted on one of the houses in the mall on Long Beach, he knew the Don c...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 7

    22-09-13 A tiny bit of light came through the shower curtains and all from our room, and I could see him lying in bed. I knew damn well he was wide awake. Ackley? I said. Yawake? Yeah. It was pretty dark, and I stepped on somebodys shoe on the floor and danm...

  • 伦敦女大学生素颜参加选美比赛并成功晋级决赛

    22-09-09 近日伦敦女大学生梅丽莎拉乌夫选择以素颜参加英格兰小姐选美比赛并成功晋级决赛。她也因此成为该选美比赛有史以来完全不化妆参赛的第一人。 A Miss England finalist has become the first ever beauty queen to compete without wearing any makeup in the pageants n...

  • 《头脑特工队》第11章

    22-09-02 Chapter 11 Oh, look at you, the elephant figure cried as he grabbed one particular memory. Youre a keeper! Joy continued to watch him from a distance. The figure was so intent on picking memories that he didnt see Joy until she stepped forward. Hell...

  • 表示不好的情绪

    22-08-11 He was in a black mood. 他情绪不好。 I was feeling blue. 我心情不好。 Theres no point in having these dark thoughts. 总想这些负面的事情没有意义。 His face darkened. 他的脸沉了下来。 They led a grey empty existence. 他们生存状况窘迫。 Im afraid the o...