22-02-07 导盲犬除了Seeing Eye dog,还可以说guide dog。 guide作名词可以表示指南;指导性的事物;导游,比如: a hotel/wine guide 旅馆/葡萄酒指南 travel guides 旅行手册 a tour guide 导游...
21-12-28 如果说什么东西是 more to something than meets the eye, 意思就是事情并不象处看到的那样简单。 例句 I dont like Peters new girlfriend she seems sweet but I think theres more to her than meets the eye. Theres more to the managers report than meets the e...
21-12-24 鸟瞰 a birds eye view 意思是俯视,是因为居高临下,一览无余,让你能俯视全景。 例句 From the aeroplane we got a birds eye view of the spectacular snow capped mountains. From the top floor of our hotel we had a birds eye view of the city below. 请注意...
21-12-17 当你 have your eye on the ball, 那么就是说你把注意力都放了这件事情上,全神贯注。 例句 Ive got my driving test this afternoon. I really need to keep my eye on the ball if Im going to pass. Im going on safari today. If I keep my eye on the ball, I mig...
21-12-13 关上灯,爬上床,拿起手机,美好的夜生活仿佛才刚刚开始 你是不是也常常边刷手机边感叹:网上有意思的内容也太多了吧!但是你有没有发现,当你一心盯着手机看时,就会忘记了眨眼。 Researchers have found high levels of looking at a phone or tablet is linked with...
21-12-06 一个和眼睛有关的表达,turn a blind eye to something 的意思是视而不见,熟视无睹,在有些语境中也可以理解为睁一只眼,闭一只眼。 例句 I turned a blind eye to the child taking the bread because I knew he was starving. I know youve got some problems but I...
21-11-15 眼中钉,字面意思指眼中的钉子(a sting in the eye),用来比喻心中最看不惯或恨之入骨的人。某人的眼中钉指一个人或一件事像眼中的钉子一样不断地惹恼你或使你痛苦(a person or thing that repeatedly annoys you or causes you pain)。 眼中钉常与肉中刺(thorn i...
21-11-01 当你想到easy除了简单的,还表示舒适的;安逸的,应该就觉得easy on the eye/ear这个短语不奇怪了。 它表示悦目/耳的,比如: Her paintings are very easy on the eye. 她的画赏心悦目。 来看看easy的常见习语吧: take it/things easy不拼命工作;放松;休息 easier...
21-10-18 与其发愁用什么遮瑕膏才能掩盖你的黑眼圈,不如画个时下最流行的下眼妆。这种风靡社交媒体和时尚圈的创意妆容可以让你的黑眼圈变得又美又酷。 When it comes to an eye makeup routine, our eyelids and lashes usually see most of the action, but social media user...
21-09-28 防水睫毛膏、脱毛膏、卸妆湿巾、防晒粉底液、哑光唇膏这些你每天都离不开的美容产品其实最伤皮肤。 WATERPROOF MASCARA 防水睫毛膏 Long-wear, waterproof mascaras can be really tricky to remove if you dont have a good eye makeup remover, skincare specialist...