• 《怪兽大学》第3章

    23-01-18 When Mike entered the small bedroom, his eye quickly adjusted to the darkness. He couldnt believe it. He was in the human world! His heart beating wildly, he hid in the shadows, watching as the Scarer crawled menacingly toward the sleeping boys bed....

  • 《海底总动员-2》第10章

    22-12-26 Outside the Marine Life Institute, Marlin and Nemo were wondering how they were going to get inside the Institute. Fluke and Rudder were still Ooo-roo-ing, and things were looking hopeless. What are you doing? Marlin asked. What is that? Calling her...

  • 《黑豹》精彩词句

    22-12-26 1. Dont trip. 不用多说了。 2. Thatll make my day. 那今天我可要爽了。 3. Ive seen too many in need just to turn a blind eye. 我见过太多需要帮助的人,无法对他们视而不见。 4. Besides, youll be on call should we need backup. 如果我们需要支援,你要随时待...

  • have an eye for something 眼光独到,独具慧眼

    22-12-01 搭配 have an eye for something 的意思是 善于注意某物的细节,对某物有良好的判断力和鉴别力,也就是 有眼光,独具慧眼。 例句 His house is amazing he must have a good eye for design. 他的房子太漂亮了,他肯定对设计独具慧眼。 I love her paintings she has a...

  • keep an eye out for something 留意,特别注意

    22-12-01 搭配 keep an eye out for something 的意思是 睁大眼睛看,特别留意某人或某事,以免错过。另一个类似的短语是 keep your eye open for something,意思基本相同。 例句 Keep your eye out for the postie Im expecting a parcel. 留意一下有没有邮递员来,我在等包裹...