• The apple of someone's eye 某人的掌上明珠

    21-01-30 表达 the apple of someones eye 的字面意思是 某人眼睛里的苹果,它实际用来形容一个人是 某人的掌上明珠、挚爱。如果你是 the apple of someones eye,那这个人很为你骄傲,而且对你的爱要胜过任何人。这个表达既可以用来形容备受宠爱的人,也可以形容备受珍重的事物...

  • 使用屏幕时间过长对儿童有害吗?

    21-01-02 If I could have your attention, please. Id like to talk to you about young peoples screen time. Its a tempting habit for them to glance at their smartphone or tablet rather than make eye contact with someone and make conversation! There is so much t...

  • The Mysterious Key And What It Opened - Chapter 1

    20-11-10 Trevlyn lands and Trevlyn gold, Heir nor heiress eer shall hold, Undisturbed, till, spite of rust, Truth is found in Trevlyn dust. This is the third time Ive found you poring over that old rhyme. What is the charm, Richard? Not its poetry I fancy. A...

  • 与bird相关的表达

    20-10-21 A little bird told me. 这句话很有意思,难道是有只小鸟告诉我?。这样理解,会把老外笑翻的! a little bird told me是一种非常诙谐的表达,意思是有人告诉我,有小道消息,当你不想透露某个消息是谁告诉你时,就说是a little bird told me... 这个说法有个典故: 在《圣经》...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 14

    20-09-16 As it is as impossible for the humble historian of the March family to write a story without theatricals in it as for our dear Miss Yonge to get on with less than twelve or fourteen children in her interesting tales, we will accept the fact, and at...

  • piercing eye 火眼金睛

    20-08-28 火眼金睛,原指《西游记》(Journey to the West )中孙悟空能识别妖魔鬼怪的眼睛。后用以形容人的眼光锐利,能够洞察一切( take in all with ones observant eyes),可以翻译为 piercing eye;eagle-eyed,sharp-sighted。 例句: 孙悟空火眼金睛,妖魔鬼怪辨得清。...

  • 日本网红眼药水在加拿大被禁

    19-06-11 Six types of Japanese eye drops that are popular in China have been blacklisted in Canada after health authorities there analyzed the ingredients. Experts warned that their long-term use might cause damage to the eyes. 加拿大卫生部门分析了六种日本眼...

  • 人工智能可通过眼球运动判断性格

    18-08-12 Eyes really do tell a story. 眼睛确实会说话。 Using machine learning, earlier this year scientists discovered a connection between peoples personalities and their eye movements. They then deployed artificial intelligence to track and analyze the eye...

  • 眼皮跳与身体健康息息相关

    18-05-19 There you are, minding your own business, when your eye starts to spasm out of control. 有时候,当你专注于做事的时候,你的眼皮开始不受控制地跳动。 Its a very annoying feeling which can persist for hours. But is there any cause for alarm? Trinidadian...

  • 2020年一半中国人将近视

    17-06-06 According to a study by Peking University, half of Chinas population will have myopia by 2020, and 70 million of them will have medium or high degrees of myopia. 北京大学的一项研究显示,2020年一半的中国人将会近视,其中有7000万人将会中高度近视。 As T...