• economic corridor 经济走廊

    13-10-15 China and Pakistan said on Wednesday they will set up an economic corridor to further connect their two economies. 本周三,中国和巴基斯坦共同表示,将建立经济走廊,进一步推进两国的经济往来。 文中的economic corridor就是指经济走廊,中巴两国可以此加强经...

  • 经济危机可能导致自杀率上升

    13-09-18 The recent economic crisis could be to blame for an increase in suicide rates in Europe and America, say experts. 专家称,近期欧美国家自杀率上升可能与经济危机有关。 Their analysis in the British Medical Journal looked at data from 54 countries to as...

  • 委内瑞拉经济结构存在问题

    13-09-02 Venezuela's finance minister has acknowledged that the economic policies of late President Hugo Chavez and his successor have not yet succeeded. 委内瑞拉财政部长承认已故总统乌戈查韦斯以及他的继任者的经济政策都未奏效。 Nelson Merentes said the govern...

  • 奥巴马讲话 为中产阶级提供更好的保障

    13-08-25 Hi, everybody. This week, I went down to an Amazon warehouse in Tennessee to talk more about what we need to do to secure a better bargain for the middle class, to make sure that anyone who works hard can get ahead in the 21st century economy. Over...

  • 奥巴马开始访问非洲三国

    13-06-27 US President Barack Obama has arrived in Senegal on the first leg of a three-nation tour of Africa. 美国总统奥巴马已抵达塞内加尔开始非洲三国之行。 It is Mr Obama's second visit to the continent since he became president. He is hoping to boost econom...

  • 国际清算银行:政府需尽力恢复经济

    13-06-24 The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) says banks have done their bit to help economic recovery and now governments must do more. 国际清算银行称,银行对经济复苏已经尽力了,政府必须付出更多努力。 The Basel-based organisation - usually dubbed th...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁国会为经济发展努力

    13-06-21 Hi, everybody. Over the past four and a half years, we've been fighting our way back from an economic crisis and punishing recession that cost millions of Americans their jobs, their homes, and the sense of security they'd worked so hard to build. A...

  • 委内瑞拉卫生纸急缺

    13-05-24 Venezuelans scrambled to stock up on toilet paper Thursday as fears of a bathroom emergency spread despite the socialist government's promise to import 50 million rolls. 据外国媒体5月16日报道,尽管委内瑞拉政府承诺将进口76万吨食品和5000万卷卫生纸,但...

  • 奥巴马演讲 创造一个繁荣昌盛的中产阶级

    13-05-24 Hi, everybody. Over the past few months, I've laid out a series of commonsense ideas to reignite(再次点燃) the true engine of our economic growth: a rising, thriving middle class. The way I see it, there are three areas where we need to focus. One...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁促进地产业增长

    13-05-19 Hi, everybody. Our top priority as a nation is reigniting the true engine of our economic growtha rising, thriving middle class. And few things define what it is to be middle class in America more than owning your own cornerstone of the American Dre...