• 揭秘狗的脚掌供暖系统

    12-03-03 日本一位科学家研究发现,狗之所以能够光脚在雪地上行走自如,而不觉得冷,奥秘之处在于其脚掌上有个内部中央供暖系统,它能让温暖血液流到特定部位,以避免冰冷的地面导致身体受寒。 Ever wonder how dogs can walk barefoot in the snow? Now a Japanese scientist m...

  • 狗类起源于东亚地区

    11-11-24 Researchers at Sweden's KTH Royal Institute of Technology say they have found further proof that the wolf ancestors of today's domesticated dogs can be traced to southern East Asia -- findings that run counter to theories placing the cradle(摇篮,...

  • 嗅探犬可检测早期肺癌

    11-08-20 Sniffer dogs could be used for the early detection of lung cancer, according to new research published in the European Respiratory Journal. The study, carried out by researchers from Schillerhoehe Hospital in Germany, is the first to find that sniff...

  • 美国宠物肥胖问题日益突出

    11-01-24 Is your puppy getting pudgy? Does your terrier need to drop a few excess pounds? Like many adults in the United States, an increasing number of pets are overweight or obese. 你的爱犬越来越发福吗?你的宠物狗需要减肥吗?就如同成年人肥胖大军日渐壮大,...

  • 狗也分为乐观与悲观两派

    10-10-17 If your dog destroys the furniture when you are away, it could be a pessimist, researchers have concluded. 最新研究显示,如果你的爱犬趁你不在时破坏家具,那它可能是一条悲观的狗。 A stray dog lies outside the Hagia Sophia museum in Istanbul September...

  • 意大利增设海滩救生犬 救援溺水者

    10-08-28 They leap from helicopters or speeding boats, bringing aid to swimmers who get into trouble off Italy's popular beaches. 它们从直升飞机或快艇上一跃而下,拯救落水的游客这就是意大利最近在其著名的海滩度假地增设的救生犬。 Lifeguard dogs from the Italian...

  • 美国宠物狗训练营 主人和宠物齐锻炼

    10-06-26 With obesity rates on the rise among Americans and their pets, two Californian women have come up with an all-in-one solution - a doggy bootcamp where dog owners and their canine friends work out together. 随着美国人和他们的宠物的肥胖率不断上升,加...

  • 狗类可能起源于中东地区

    10-03-18 Dogs likely originated in the Middle East, not Asia or Europe, according to a new genetic analysis by an international team of scientists led by UCLA biologists. The research, funded by the National Science Foundation and the Searle Scholars Program...

  • Mr Lockwood visits Wuthering Heights

    10-01-04 I have just returned from a visit to my landlord, Mr Heathcliff. I am delighted with the house I am renting from him. Thrushcross Grange is miles away from any town or village. That suits me perfectly. And the scenery here in Yorkshire is so beautif...

  • 猫狗宠物消耗的能源堪比汽车

    09-10-31 最近,两位新西兰建筑师在他们新近出版的书中表示,猫和狗这两种全世界最普遍的家养宠物每年所消耗的能源比一辆汽车还要多。这本书名为《是时候把狗给吃了:可持续生活指南》,作者在书中指出,养一只中型犬对生态环境带来的影响跟一辆4.6升的陆地巡洋舰一年行驶1万公...