• bark at the moon 空喊;徒劳地吵闹

    21-09-25 向着月亮嚎叫,引申为空喊;徒劳地吵闹。类似的表达还有bay at the moon,意为费力做没有价值的事,徒劳。 而月亮对此也有回应: The moon does not heed the barking of dogs. (=Does the moon care for the barking of a dog?) 即月亮不理狗的狂吠,引申为对无稽责...

  • 中国刑事警察学院竞拍出售已考核淘汰的受训犬

    21-06-29 日前,中国刑事警察学院的警犬技术学院通过官方网站发布《淘汰犬出售公告》,表示将以竞拍的形式出售已考核淘汰的受训犬。该条公告一出,吸引了众多网友围观。 A police training academy in northeastern Liaoning province is looking for permanent homes for over...

  • 为视障读者带来能闻的儿童故事

    21-04-01 一家为盲人和弱视者设立的慈善机构英国导盲犬(Guide Dogs UK)制作了一套伴书气味盒,以配合畅销儿童故事书《咕噜牛(The Gruffalo)》。该机构创造了一套鼻腔吸入器,分别代表主人公咕噜牛和它遇到的四个角色:蛇、狐狸、猫头鹰和小老鼠。 The Gruffalo was first pu...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 17

    21-01-21 Celia, Ive a notion that we ought to give Ben something. A sort of peace-offering, you know; for he feels dreadfully hurt about our suspecting him, said Thorny, at dinner that day. I see he does, though he tries to seem as bright and pleasant as eve...

  • 狗狗帮助学生减压

    21-01-02 Some people say that dogs are mans best friend good companions, loyal and loveable. Of course, they can be more than just a pet as certain breeds are excellent working dogs too. We know about the amazing help guide dogs give to blind people and, mor...

  • 芬兰机场用嗅探犬探测新冠病毒

    20-09-30 Sniffer dogs are a familiar sight at airports all over the world, where border agents use them to detect illegal substances and contraband. 嗅探犬在世界各地的机场都很常见,边境人员用它们来探测非法物品和违禁品。 Now some dogs are using their noses fo...

  • 深圳将给狗植入微芯片

    19-06-10 The southern Chinese city of Shenzhen plans to begin injecting microchips into all dogs from the second half of this year to better manage the pets, according to the citys Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau. 深圳市城市管理行政执法局表示...

  • 中国第一条克隆警犬开始受训

    19-03-19 A two-month-old puppy arrived in Kunming earlier this month to receive professional training from the local police, reported stdaily.com. It is Chinas first cloned police dog. 本月初一只两个月大的小狗抵达昆明接受当地警方的训练,它是中国第一条克隆警...

  • 全球首款豪华狗屋售价高达20万美元

    17-07-03 As mans best friends, dogs deserve the best in life, and when it comes to housing, a UK company is ready to offer them just that. Hecate Verona is all set to launch the worlds first line of luxury dog mansions, with the most expensive models costing...

  • 朴槿惠搬家遗弃狗狗被指虐待动物

    17-03-17 The row comes as Ms Park was called for questioning and named as a suspect in the wide-ranging corruption scandal that eventually led to her downfall. 朴槿惠最近麻烦不断,她被传讯审问并因涉嫌卷入一起大规模腐败丑闻而最终下台。 She was dismissed from...