• DNA分析追查不清理宠物粪便的主人

    15-08-23 Spain's north-eastern city of Tarragona has threatened to use DNA analysis of dog droppings to track down owners who fail to clear up their pet's mess. 西班牙东北部城市塔拉戈纳扬言要对狗狗的粪便进行DNA分析,以追查不清理自己宠物狗粪便的主人。 The coa...

  • 粤犬吠雪

    15-08-12 In the past, I heard people say: Formerly, it was often cloudy and drizzly for days on end in the south of the juncture of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Hubei, with very few fine days in between. When the sun shone occasionally, the dogs would bark consisten...

  • 人类与狗的关系可追溯至2.7万年前

    15-05-22 Dogs' special relationship to humans may go back 27,000 to 40,000 years, according to genomic analysis of an ancient Taimyr wolf bone reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on May 21. Earlier genome-based estimates have suggested that th...

  • 养猫会增加主人失明的风险

    15-05-21 Keeping a pet cat puts owners at greater risk of going blind, but a dog appears to protect eyesight, a new study suggests. 一项最新研究表明,养猫会增加主人失明的风险,但是养狗却能保护主人的视力。 Scientists have discovered that dogs and cats carry a...

  • 英国大学用汪星人为学生减压

    15-05-20 Students at a British university were treated to some much-needed stress relief as they prepare for exam week. 英国一所大学在学生为考试周做准备时为学生提供了一种急需的解压方式。 The University of Central Lancashire's student union organized its firs...

  • Actaeon 阿卡同

    15-05-06 Actaeon loved the hunting. He had been searching the woods every day. When she was tired with hunting artemis used to take abath in a little mountain spring. On this particular afternoon he felt so tired with running about that he, by accident, came...

  • 伦敦开设一家汪星人餐厅

    15-04-19 A new restaurant is offering a five-course drink-paired menu stuffed with all the fashionable, nutritional foods you can think of. 一家新开的餐厅为顾客提供了一个五道菜的套餐,还配有饮料。这一套餐富含你能想到的时下最流行且营养价值极高的食物。 There's...

  • 汪星人能够分辨人类表情

    15-03-08 Research is now suggesting something dog-lovers have long suspected - man's best friend can tell the difference between our happy and angry faces. 狗奴们一直怀疑对汪星人人类最好的朋友能够分辨我们快乐和生气的表情,日前一项研究认同了这一点。 Scientist...

  • 为宠物举办婚礼为哪般

    15-02-23 When pet owners dress up their dogs in miniature white dresses and tiny tuxes, some believe the barks that signal 'I do' reveal true puppy love. 当主人们为自己的狗狗精心打扮,给它们穿上迷你白色婚纱和燕尾服时,有些人相信,这时候狗狗的叫声就是在表达象...

  • 汪星人看得懂电视上的图像

    15-01-19 Domestic dogs can perceive images on television similarly to the way we do, and they are intelligent enough to recognize onscreen images of animals as they would in real life -- even animals they've never seen before -- and to recognize TV dog sound...