• 《飞屋环游记》第9章

    23-01-28 Muntz glared at the three wet dogs standing before him. You lost them? he growled. He slammed his cane against the floor. It was Dug, Beta said quickly. Yeah, hes with them, Gamma agreed. He helped them escape! Muntz groaned in frustration, then sto...

  • 东京制衣企业推出专供猫狗使用的可穿戴电扇

    22-08-09 日本今年夏天持续高温,不仅人吃不消,宠物也热得够呛。首都东京一家制衣企业瞄准商机,推出专供猫狗使用的可穿戴电扇,为宠物消暑降温。据路透社8月1日报道,这种可穿戴电扇重80克,由电池驱动,固定在宠物的网状衣服上。宠物猫狗穿上这件夏装,即可享受电扇吹出的凉...

  • go to the dogs 不如过去成功

    22-06-24 1.Go to the dogsnot as successful as in the past(usually used in the continuous tense). 不如过去成功(通常使用进行时) 例句:That company will go bankrupt if its not careful. Its going to the dogs. 那家公司要是不小心的话就会破产的。它可能会完蛋的。...

  • let sleeping dogs lie 不要自找麻烦

    22-06-24 1.Let sleeping dogs lie do not make trouble if you dont have to. 不要自找麻烦 例句:Theres absolutely no point pursuing this issue. We should just let sleeping dogs lie. 在这个问题上深究完全没有意义。我们不要自找麻烦了。 2.Not enough room to swing a...

  • 关于狗狗视力的冷知识

    22-04-06 Dogs are especially good at sensing movement. The increased number of rods in the dogs retina also increases their ability to detect motion, Sypniewski says. This ability can help them detect small prey like squirrels. 狗特别擅长感知运动。西普尼夫斯...

  • 狗的视觉与人类的视觉有何区别

    22-04-06 Your eyes pick up color using a type of cell called cones in your retina. The same is true for dogs, though our cones arent exactly the same. 人类的眼睛通过视网膜的视锥细胞感知颜色,狗也是如此,但两者的视锥细胞并不完全相同。 Humans have three types...

  • 法国将从2024年起禁止宠物店销售猫狗

    21-11-24 法国参议院日前通过了一项新的动物福利法案,新法律规定,从2024年起禁止宠物店销售猫狗,从2026年起禁止海豚和虎鲸表演,从2028年起禁止马戏团巡演使用野生动物。 France will ban pet shops from selling dogs and cats from 2024 as part of efforts to prevent aba...