• 伦敦开通免费的狗狗巴士游

    17-01-25 Anyone who has ever wanted to inject their dogs life with some culture need look no further. A free bus tour designed specifically for canines hits the streets of London this week. 想给自家狗狗的生活注入点儿文化气息的狗主人可以得偿所愿了。伦敦本周开...

  • Three Dog Night

    16-08-23 Three handsome male dogs are walking down the street when they see a beautiful, enticing, female poodle. The three male dogs fall all over themselves in an effort to be the one to reach her first, but end up arriving in front of her at the same time...

  • 可以陪狗狗玩耍的自动机器骨头GoBone

    16-06-18 I hate saying goodbye to my dogs; the two of them look longingly with their big dopey eyes as I close the door and leave for work. Its enough to break a grown mans heart. 我讨厌和家里的狗狗们说再见。每当我要出门工作时,它俩的大眼睛就会眨巴眨巴地直盯...

  • 家犬在欧洲与亚洲都曾被驯化

    16-06-03 The question, Where do domestic dogs come from?, has vexed scholars for a very long time. Some argue that humans first domesticated wolves in Europe, while others claim this happened in Central Asia or China. A new paper, published in Science, sugge...

  • 研究:狗狗们讨厌被拥抱

    16-05-17 It may come as a shock to owners, but dogs hate being cuddled, a study has shown. 听到这个消息,狗奴们也许很惊讶,但狗狗们讨厌被拥抱,这是有研究证实了的。 Animal psychologists say dogs feel stressed and unhappy when they are embraced by their owners...

  • 曼彻斯特机场安检犬擅长发现香肠和奶酪

    16-04-24 The canine companions of airport security staff in Manchester are quick to spot sausages and cheese in passengers luggage but are failing to sniff out class A drugs, a report has found. 一份报告指出,曼彻斯特机场安检人员的犬类同伴最擅长在乘客行李中...

  • 澳洲野狗与狗杂交产仔的头骨形状不会变化

    16-03-10 Australia's largest predator, the dingo, is resistant to one of the main threats to its survival as a species -- changes to skull shape brought about by cross breeding (hybridisation) with dogs, research shows. A UNSW study published today in Evolut...

  • 狗在驯化过程中可能引起有害的基因变化

    16-01-13 The domestication of dogs may have inadvertently caused harmful genetic changes, a UCLA-led study suggests. Domesticating dogs from gray wolves more than 15,000 years ago involved artificial selection and inbreeding, but the effects of these process...

  • black dog syndrome 黑狗综合症

    15-12-28 Black dog syndrome refers to the tendency for black- or dark-coated dogs to be passed over for adoption in favor of lighter colored dogs in an animal shelter. 黑狗综合症指人们在动物收容所里领养狗狗时,往往倾向忽略那些拥有黑色或深色皮毛的狗儿,而选择...

  • 新发现:狗起源于中国

    15-12-27 A new scientific research report has found strong evidence suggesting that man's best friend originated from China some 33,000 years ago. 一项最新的科学研究发现了有力证据,证明人类最好的朋友狗,起源于大约3.3万年前的中国。 The study, the findings of...