• American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 11

    14-09-11 The effect of this adventure on Clyde was such as might have been expected in connection with one so new andstrange to such a world as this. In spite of all that deep and urgent curiosity and desire that had eventually ledhim to that place and cause...

  • Swear not to come again

    14-09-03 One day, the French famous writer Tristan Bernard went to a restaurant for dinner. But he was not very satisfied with the food. Bring the manager. He said to the waiter after paying the bill. Soon the manager came. The writer told him, Please give m...

  • I'll Carry You Down 我会把您背下去

    14-07-29 My 15-year-old son came bounding in from school and found me in bed. Don't you feel well, Mom? he asked with concern. No, I don't, I said. Well, don't you worry about dinner, he reassured me. I'll carry you down to the stove. 我十五岁的儿子放学后连...

  • Endearing terms

    14-06-12 Bernie was invited to his friend's home for dinner. Morris, the host, preceded every request to his wife by endearing terms, calling her Honey, My Love, Darling, Sweetheart, etc. Bernie looked at Morris and remarked, That is really nice, that after...

  • 献错殷勤

    14-05-07 At a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess. At last he saw his chance when she turned to him and remarked, What a small appetite you have tonight, Mr. Jones.To sit next to you, he replied galla...

  • 史上最贵情人节晚餐6.1万欧元

    14-02-16 英国奢侈品零售网站VeryFirstTo对外发布了史上最昂贵的情人节晚餐,由英国米其林星级饭店颠勺儿的厨师Adam Simmonds亲自上门为情侣们烹饪,八道菜品的价格需要6.1万欧元,即99478.80美元。 Going out for dinner on Valentine's Day can cost you more than you are re...

  • 纽约餐厅推出天价新年大餐

    14-01-05 A recently opened steakhouse in New York City is offering a New Year's Eve dinner for two for $10,000. 纽约城最近新开的一家牛排餐厅推出万元迎新年天价大餐。 The economy is improving, Jack Sinanaj, the owner of Empire Steak House, said. People come re...

  • 《幸运查克》五

    13-11-14 精彩对白 Chuck: This spell ... turn it off , please. Anisha: Charlie, I was just a kid. I didn't know what I was doing. I don't even know what I did. Chuck: You fucked up my life! That's what you did. Anisha: I asked you to watch your language . You...

  • 你爱我什么

    13-06-07 John was waiting for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn't, the girl with the rose. Thirteen months ago, in a Florida library he took a book off the shelf and found himself intrigued with the notes in the margin. The soft handwritin...

  • He's shaving you 他正在给你刮胡须

    13-01-30 Stopping in an unfamiliar barber shop for a shave, a young playboy took a fancy to the manicure(修指甲) gril and suggested dinner and a show that evening. The girl demurred(反对,抗辩) , I don't think I ought to, I'm married. Why don't you ask y...