• 厨师左右为难

    21-03-15 What to cook when you have guests? I always feel like Im walking on eggshells when I have to prepare a dinner party for new friends or people I dont know well. Some eaters are picky and dont like cheese. Others cant stand a particular vegetable. And...

  • 爱情与金钱

    21-02-27 一项报告称在英国,大约有两百万对夫妻相互隐瞒个人的经济状况。另有44%的已婚人士不知道自己配偶的收入是多少。 Do you usually go dutch when you take someone out to dinner? Do you expect your date to pay for the whole meal? Many people say that as long as...

  • 开饭啦!

    20-10-17 1. Grubs up. 开饭了;饭好了。 名词grub是食物的口语说法,不适用于正式场合。 比如:good grub好吃的东西;pub grub酒吧食物;grab some grub 吃点东西。 2. Foods on the table. 饭已经上桌了。 我们可以用这句话表示食物已经准备好,就等大家来吃了。 3. Come and...

  • Little Women - Chapter 39

    20-09-28 Laurie went to Nice intending to stay a week, and remained a month. He was tired of wandering about alone, and Amys familiar presence seemed to give a homelike charm to the foreign scenes in which she bore a part. He rather missed the petting he use...

  • 如何解决10种常见就餐情形中的买单问题

    17-03-10 Dinner with a date Whoever asks for the date pays, regardless of gender. Double Date Dinners Split between couples, and whoever asked for each respective day pays. Dinner with a boyfriend/girlfriend Take turns treating each other, or split evenly. B...

  • 特朗普将不参加4.29白宫记者协会晚宴

    17-03-06 US President Donald Trump has announced he will not attend the White House Correspondents Association dinner on 29 April. 美国总统唐纳德特朗普宣布将不会参加4月29日的白宫记者协会晚宴。 The glitzy event draws celebrities, journalists and politicians,...

  • arsenic hour 砒霜时间

    16-12-11 Arsenic hour is the time after parents arrive home from work and before dinner is served; any extremely hectic part of the day, especially when dealing with young children. 砒霜时间指的是父母下班后,晚饭开饭前的这段时间,或者是一天中非常忙碌的时段,...

  • 7个潮流俚语

    16-05-05 cancel 任何不喜欢的东西都可以用这个词回复 Would you like vegetables with dinner? CANCEL! 晚餐吃蔬菜怎么样? 不好! snatched 极好的(snatch本意是抢走) You look snatched in the wedding dress! 你穿这件婚纱超赞! budge up 挪一挪;让开 We had to budge u...

  • Staring Me In The Face <4>

    16-04-21 Love it. Me too. Settled then? he asked and smiled his soft smile. It didnt surprise me that I nodded. After the reading and the curry dinner, I went into Malcolms sitting room where there were more books than Id ever seen on anyones shelves. I bega...

  • 各国餐桌礼仪大盘点 中

    16-01-16 America Always: Wait for the host to sit down before you take your seat. Never: Blow on your food. Egypt Always: Keep pouring tea until it spills over into the saucer. Never: Look at someone else's dinner. Spain Always: Use silverware, as eating wit...