• You must come for dinner. 改天联系吧。

    21-07-19 你以为是请你来吃晚饭吗,不,别人只是客套一下而已...以后有人想跟你唠嗑但是你没空,或者想委婉拒绝,你就可以用这句回复。 -Mary, can we watch a movie together on Sunday? -Sorry Im busy. You must come for dinner. -玛丽,周日有空一起看电影吗? -不好意思,...

  • go out like a light 一沾枕头就睡着

    21-07-14 在英语中,go out 是一个被用来形容火、光、热熄灭的短语。成语 go out like a light 其实就是通过光亮熄灭的速度很快这一特征,来比喻某人立马就入睡、瞬间就失去意识,它的第一种含义类似于汉语里所说的一沾枕头就能睡着。 例句 I have no problem sleeping, I go ou...

  • 美剧经典表达 下

    21-07-01 6 Its on the house.这是(本店)免费提供的。 On the house就是give away something for free,免费提供。 例: All beverages are on the house today. 今日所有饮品全都免费供应。 On somebody是某人请客的意思,如果要说请对方吃饭,可以用一个短语:my treat。Treat...

  • to foot the bill 买单

    21-06-29 在餐馆吃饭后,我们必须要结账、买单。这个日常生活中经常出现的付款行为,在英语里也有多种表达方式。比如:除了我们常用的 have the bill,pay the bill 和 get the bill 等搭配以外,foot the bill 也可以表示买单。 例句 Every time we meet for dinner, Luke alwa...

  • 询问或者邀请别人吃饭

    21-06-16 Have you eaten yet? 你吃饭了吗? What would you like for breakfast? Cake or Fried Rice? 早上吃什么?蛋糕还是炒饭? I wonder if you have time this evening? 我想知道您今晚是否有空? Would you be interested in dinner with me? 今晚能请您吃个饭吗? Le...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 32

    21-05-07 Fanny had by no means forgotten Mr. Crawford when she awoke the next morning; but she remembered the purport of her note, and was not less sanguine as to its effect than she had been the night before. If Mr. Crawford would but go away! That was what...

  • make a pig's ear of something 搞得一团糟

    21-04-30 什么叫 make a pigs ear of something 把某事做成猪耳朵?这个听起来有点怪的英语表达所指的意思其实很简单,它在口语中用来表示 搞砸、弄糟某件事。Make a pigs ear of something 是个现代说法,它在五十年代首次出现在印刷物上。 例句 I made a pigs ear of the roas...

  • get over someone 忘记一个人

    21-04-28 短语 get over something 的意思是 从不愉快的事情中恢复过来;get over someone 的意思则是 忘记一个人,因为和这个人之间可能曾经发生过不愉快的事情,它多用在描述人们在分手后,忘掉过往和对方的语境中。 例句 I feel ready to move on now and think about the fu...

  • like watching grass grow 非常无聊

    21-04-11 表达 like watching grass grow 被用来形容 做某件事情就像盯着草长大一样,极其枯燥、无趣。这个表达通常与系动词 be 一起使用,即 be like watching grass grow。这是一个相当讽刺和幽默的比喻。 例句 I really dont understand football. Its like watching grass g...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 27

    21-03-17 Emma did not repent her condescension in going to the Coles. The visit afforded her many pleasant recollections the next day; and all that she might be supposed to have lost on the side of dignified seclusion, must be amply repaid in the splendour o...