• 和“英式甜点”有关的英语表达

    22-11-02 大家都说偶尔吃点甜食 sweets,会让人变得心情大好。在英语里,我们把正餐的最后一道菜叫 dessert,除此之外,它还有哪些英语说法?英国人对甜食情有独钟,经典的英式甜点有 果酱松糕 trifles、司康饼 scones、牛奶软糖 fudge等等。 1. In British English there are m...

  • 英国餐桌礼仪小常识

    22-11-02 提起英国人,不得不说他们是出了名的讲礼貌。在进餐时,尤其是在正式用餐的环境中,英国人严格遵循一系列餐桌礼仪礼貌用餐,从而显得彬彬有礼,给一同进餐的人留下好的印象。 1. In a formal dinner where more than one course of food will be served, the table wil...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 12

    22-09-14 Johnny Fontane waved a casual dismissal to the manservant and said, See you in the morning, Billy. The colored butler bowed his way out of the huge dining room-living room with its view of the Pacific Ocean. It was a friendly-goodbye sort of bow, no...

  • beat someone at their own game 以其人之道,还治其人之身

    22-08-26 如今互联网这么发达,什么东西只要一放到网上,就会一发不可收拾。如果你突然发现,朋友没有经过允许,就把你的一张很丑陋的照片放到了网上,你会怎么做?我的朋友Jennifer就被同事这么捉弄过一回。她也不示弱,立即找出一张同事更丢人的旧照片,发给了更多的人。这种...

  • 《唐顿庄园》英式俚语:铁石心肠

    22-08-25 1. 铁石心肠 Anna和Mary讨论起Pamuk的死,Mary在说起自己的感受时说, Havent you heard? I dont have a heart. 你没听说过吗?我是铁石心肠。 2. 病成这样,老实呆着吧。 Anna生病了,Patmore让她不要去游园会了。 You wont be walking anywhere. Shes got minutes to...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 74

    22-07-22 The following Saturday Mildred returned, and that evening Philip kept her to himself. He took seats for the play, and they drank champagne at dinner. It was her first gaiety in London for so long that she enjoyed everything ingenuously. She cuddled...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 41

    22-07-18 Philip walked down the Boulevard du Montparnasse. It was not at all like the Paris he had seen in the spring during his visit to do the accounts of the Hotel St. Georgeshe thought already of that part of his life with a shudderbut reminded him of wh...

  • 谢谢 上

    22-06-24 Thanks和thank you是英语中谢谢的基本款,thanks比thank you更口语化,后者更正式些。 1. Thanks a lot 2. Thanks very much 3. Thank you very much 4. Thank you so much 如果你想要强调自己的感激之情或是表现得极为礼貌,可以使用以上四种说法。 Thank you so much...

  • a dog's dinner 搞砸了

    22-06-24 1.A dogs dinner or dogs breakfast to make a mess. 搞砸了 例句:They made a real dogs dinner of the website. Its terrible. 他们把网站搞砸了。这可太糟了。 2. To fight like cats and dogs - to argue and fight with someone. 和某人争吵 例句:Its a miracle...

  • blinding 非常棒、非常出色

    22-06-21 Blinding if something is blinding, it means that its excellent. 如果某事物是亮瞎眼的,意思就是这个事物非常棒、非常出色。 例句: She makes a blinding roast dinner. 她做了一顿美味无比的烧烤晚餐。...