10-03-28 Chilean President Sebastian Pinera has attended a vigil to commemorate exactly one month since a massive earthquake struck the south of the country. 智利总统塞巴斯蒂安皮涅拉参加了为纪念一个月前在地震中不幸丧生的人而举行的守夜仪式。 President Pinera...
10-03-01 Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has announced emergency measures to deal with the destruction caused by Saturday's massive earthquake. 针对智利上周六发生的大地震,总统米歇尔巴奇莱特宣布实行紧急措施处理由地震带来的破坏。 Tsunami spreads through P...
10-02-28 Powerful winds have hit parts of Spain, Portugal and France, causing serious damage, officials said. 西班牙、葡萄牙和法国部分地区遭到强风袭击,损失严重。 Madeira was still cleaning up after fatal floods last week As winds of up to 140km/h (87mph) la...
10-02-28 Two million people have been affected by the massive earthquake that struck central Chile on Saturday, President Michelle Bachelet has said. 智利总统米歇尔巴奇莱特称,星期六发生的大地震使智利中部地区受到破坏,受灾人数两百多万人。 Concepcion, in sout...
10-02-23 A five-person team sent to evaluate(鉴定,评估) damage from the devastating magnitude-7 earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan. 12 found no surface evidence of the fault that might have caused the quake, but installed four instruments to measure afte...
10-01-05 Knee osteoarthritis骨关节炎 (OA) accounts for more disability in the elderly than any other disease. Running, although it has proven cardiovascular心血管的 and other health benefits, can increase stresses on the joints of the leg. In a study publish...
09-12-15 At least three people have died and several others are missing after Cyclone Mick ripped through Fiji's main island of Viti Levu. 台风米克席卷斐济主岛维提岛,造成至少三人死亡、多人失踪。 The cyclone旋风,气旋 has cut power to much of the country, fo...
09-09-22 Patients with severe brain damage who do not appear to have signs of consciousness still seem able to learn, a Cambridge University study suggests. 一项剑桥大学的研究显示,具有严重脑损伤、看起来没有知觉的病人似乎仍然有学习能力。 Researchers hope the...
09-08-25 Low-carb slimming diets may clog arteries and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, a study suggests. 一项调查建议,低碳节食餐可能阻塞动脉,增加心脏病和中风危险。 Low-carb dieters base meals on meat dishes Diets based on eating lots of mea...
09-07-24 Scientists say they have found a new way to mend damage to the heart. 科学家称他们已经发现了心脏修复的一种新方法。 It was thought adult heart muscle cells could not divide When cells turn into fully-formed adult heart muscle they stop dividing, and...