• 飓风乔凡娜袭击马达加斯加

    12-02-15 A tropical cyclone has hit the island of Madagascar, with winds of up to 194km/h (120mph) ripping up trees and electricity pylons. 一股热带气旋袭击马达加斯加岛,194km/h的大风将树木和电线杆拔地而起。 At least two people have been killed by Cyclone Gi...

  • 巴布亚新几内亚发生7.1级地震

    11-12-14 A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake has struck the Pacific state of Papua New Guinea, but no tsunami warnings have been issued. 一场7.1级地震袭击太平洋国家巴布亚新几内亚,所幸没有海啸的迹象。 The quake struck 89km (55 miles) from the second city of...

  • 新西兰开展地震灾后评估工作

    11-03-11 The Earthquake Commission in New Zealand is beginning a series of quick damage assessments to 180,000 homes following the Christchurch earthquake. 克赖斯特彻奇大地震过后,新西兰地震委员会已开始对18万座房屋进行一系列的损坏评估。 The impact of the Chr...

  • 日本小笠原群岛海域发生7.4级地震

    10-12-22 A 7.4-magnitude earthquake has struck in the Pacific Ocean off southern Japan, the US Geological Survey (USGS) says. 美国地质勘探局称,日本南部太平洋海域发生7.4级地震。 The epicentre of the earthquake was 155km (95 miles) off the Bonin Islands, some...

  • 贝宁遭遇洪灾 43人死亡

    10-10-19 The United Nations says two-thirds of the West African nation of Benin is flooded after heavy rains. 联合国发言人称,西非国家贝宁三分之二的地区遭遇暴雨引发的洪灾。 At least 43 people have been killed in recent weeks, according to UN officials, and n...

  • 精确找到火山喷发的位置可能将成为现实

    10-09-27 A better way to pinpoint where volcanic eruptions(火山喷发) are likely to occur has been produced by an international team of geophysicists(地球物理学者) . Scientists from the universities of Leeds, Purdue, Indiana and Addis Ababa, investigated...

  • 巴基斯坦洪灾祸及250万人

    10-08-03 Up to 2.5 million people have been affected by devastating floods in north-west Pakistan, the International Red Cross has said. 国际红十字会表示,巴基斯坦西北部多达250万人民已受特大洪灾影响。 There have been complaints that emergency shelters have b...

  • 世界杯球迷需慎防听力损伤

    10-06-12 Football fans attending the World Cup risk permanent damage to their hearing from the vuvuzela horns which are the must-have accessory at the tournament in South Africa, a study said Monday. 本周一公布的一项研究称,南非世界杯上球迷必备的一种名叫巫巫...

  • 奥巴马演讲 BP溢油应急评估1

    10-06-07 Good afternoon, everybody. I know its a little warm out here so want to get started. Ive just had a meeting with these governors, members of Congress, local officials, as well as Admiral Thad Allen, the National Incident Commander in charge of respo...

  • 英国石油将负责墨西哥湾石油清理工作

    10-05-04 Oil giant BP has acknowledged it is absolutely responsible for cleaning up a huge oil spill after an explosion at one of its wells off the US coast. 石油巨头英国石油公司承认其对美国海岸的石油泄漏清理工作负有绝对的责任。 But BP boss Tony Hayward said...