• 《复仇者联盟2》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. At long last. 终于要结束了。 2. Just slipped out. 一时口误。 3. Sir, the city is taking fire. 先生,城市正遭到攻击。 4. We wish to avoid collateral damage. 我们希望避免附带伤害。 5. We will not yield! 我们决不屈服! 6. We will send them back in ba...

  • throw mud at somebody 泼脏水

    23-01-20 泼脏水,字面意思splash dirty water,泛指对人造谣污蔑,刻意中伤(slander),与英文习语hurl/throw/sling mud at somebody意思相近,表示to say insulting or unfair things about someone, especially to try to damage their reputation。 例句: 为了诋毁她的名...

  • 中国承诺加快形成资源定价机制

    22-09-09 9月6日召开的中央全面深化改革委员会第二十七次会议审议通过了《关于全面加强资源节约工作的意见》。会议指出,节约资源是我国的基本国策,要促进资源科学配置和节约高效利用。 Energy efficiency is emerging as a burgeoning market with increasing investment oppo...

  • the tail end 末端或结尾

    21-08-10 The tail end 就是某物或某事的末端或结尾。 例句 The tail end of the storm caused the most damage. She didnt thank her colleagues until the tail end of her long leaving speech. We didnt find out the name of the killer until the tail end of the story....