• 布拉德福德妓女谋杀案嫌疑人将受审

    10-05-28 A 40-year-old man charged with the murders of three Bradford women who worked as prostitutes, is due to appear before magistrates later. 英国某男子涉嫌谋杀布拉德福德地区三名妓女而遭控诉,该男子将接受地方法官审判。 Stephen Griffiths was arrested at h...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 37

    10-05-21 An Awful Predicament SLEEP? It was impossible. It would naturally have been impossible in that noisome(恶臭的,有害的) cavern(洞穴,凹处) of a jail, with its mangy(污秽的,肮脏的) crowd of drunken, quarrelsome(好争论的) , and song-singing ra...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 36

    10-05-21 An Encounter in the Dark LONDON -- to a slave -- was a sufficiently(充分地,足够地) interesting place. It was merely a great big village; and mainly mud and thatch(茅草,浓密的头发) . The streets were muddy, crooked(弯曲的,歪的) , unpaved. Th...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 35

    10-04-30 IT'S a world of surprises. The king brooded(沉思,孵) ; this was natural. What would he brood about, should you say? Why, about the prodigious(巨大的,惊人的) nature of his fall, of course -- from the loftiest place in the world to the lowest; f...

  • 网球词汇

    10-04-25 Grand Slam 大满贯 fifteen all 一平 thirty all 二平 forty all 三平 half-volley 反弹球 rally 对打 smash 高压球 stop volley 截停球 convert a point 获得一分 deep ball 深球 heavy ball 重球 drop shot 放小球 tennis racket 网球拍 racket press 球拍夹 women's...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 34

    10-04-02 The Yankee and the King Sold as Slaves WELL, what had I better do? Nothing in a hurry, sure. I must get up a diversion(转移,消遣) ; anything to employ me while I could think, and while these poor fellows could have a chance to come to life(苏醒...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 33

    10-03-18 Sixth Century Political Economy HOWEVER, I made a dead set at him, and before the first third of the dinner was reached, I had him happy again. It was easy to do -- in a country of ranks and castes. You see, in a country where they have ranks and ca...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 32

    10-03-18 Dowley's Humiliation WELL, when that cargo arrived toward sunset, Saturday afternoon, I had my hands full to keep the Marcos from fainting(不省人事,昏厥) . They were sure Jones and I were ruined past help, and they blamed themselves as accessorie...

  • 斯里兰卡丰塞卡将军面临军事审判

    10-03-16 Defeated Sri Lankan presidential candidate and ex-army chief Sarath Fonseka is set to face a court martial. 斯里兰卡总统选举中败北的候选人、前陆军司令萨拉特丰塞卡将面临军事法庭审判。 Gen Fonseka has been detained since January Mr Fonseka will be tri...

  • 德国法院下令通信公司删除存储的通讯数据

    10-03-03 Vast amounts of telephone and e-mail data held in Germany must be deleted, the country's highest court has ruled. 德国最高法院裁定,通信公司存储的大量通讯、邮件数据必须被删除。 Germany's data centres hold untold terabytes of telecoms information The...