• 调查:婚姻关系比同居关系更为长久

    10-03-06 US marriages last longer than unions where couples live together outside matrimony, the Centers for Disease Control reported on Tuesday. 美国疾病控制中心本周二发布报告称,美国的婚姻关系比非婚同居关系维持得更为长久。 Newlyweds kiss after getting marr...

  • 美国华盛顿特区批准同性恋婚姻

    10-03-04 More than 120 gay couples have received marriage licences in the US capital, Washington DC. 美国首都华盛顿特区,超过120对同性恋夫妻收到结婚许可证。 Couples queued outside the bureau before it opened to get the licence The District of Columbia became...

  • 加州同性婚姻诉讼案昨日开庭

    10-01-16 Two Californian men challenging a ban on same-sex marriage on Monday said they had been a couple for nine years and felt like third-class citizens, leading them to launch the federal case which could set a national precedent. 美国加州一对同性恋男子...

  • The Nice Wedding Gift

    09-11-07 The Nice Wedding Gift We attended the wedding of an acquaintance's son. Because we did not know the young man or his bride, we decided to send them a practical household gift, a fire extinguisher. Apparently, the couple mass-produced their thank-you...

  • 中国“黄昏散”现象在增多

    09-10-31 最新数据显示,中国60岁以上老人的离婚率正在上升,黄昏散现象逐渐增多。到上月底,上海静安区人民法院全国唯一一个老年审判庭已受理60岁以上老人离婚案件37起,比上年增加68%。据办案法官介绍,老年人离婚案中再婚又离婚的比例比较高;与此同时,在儿女成家立业之后...

  • 经济危机余波未平 澳离婚率或大涨

    09-10-17 A picture of an unhappy couple. Global markets may be edging toward recovery, but the worst impact of the global financial crunch on families and couples may be still ahead, a leading Australian charity said Wednesday. Global markets may be edging t...

  • Japanese couples rely on fake friends 日本“租友”业兴旺

    09-09-27 The first guest-for-hire company was established about nine years ago.Japanese couples, too busy for a normal social life, are increasingly turning to actors to play their friends on the most important days of their lives. Japanese couples, too busy...

  • Hotel offers 'Conception Credit' to amorous couples 度假酒店

    09-09-21 The Westin Resort, Aruba. A luxury resort on the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba is offering amorous couples a discount of around 180 on a future booking if they conceive a child during their holiday. A luxury resort on the Dutch Caribbean island of...

  • Couple deny California abduction Garrido夫妇否认加利福尼亚拐

    09-08-29 A man and his wife have denied abducting California woman Jaycee Lee Dugard when she was a child and holding her in their home for 18 years. 一名男子和他妻子否认诱拐了儿童时期的加利福尼亚州妇女Jaycee Lee Dugard并将其囚禁家中长达18年。 Layout of the...

  • British couples flock to Greek islands for Mamma Mia! Weddin

    09-08-16 Mamma Mia! was largely filmed on Skopelos More than 200 British fans of 'Mamma Mia!' are getting married on Greek islands this summer to recreate the wedding scene in their favourite film. A travel agency offering a special Mamma Mia! marriage packa...