• 印度新人坐锅出行前往婚礼现场

    21-10-20 印度南部喀拉拉邦连日暴雨引发洪灾,多地街道被洪水淹没,但是即使如此也阻挡不了一对新人结婚的脚步。因为不想错过吉时,他们以锅为船前往婚礼现场,二人坐锅出行的视频迅速在网上走红。 An Indian couple have arrived for their wedding in unusual style after sai...

  • 莴苣姑娘 1

    21-10-04 Once upon a time, there lived an old couple in a village. The old couple prayed every day that they might have a baby. One day, an old woman moved into the house next door. The Old woman raised lettuce that looked very tasty and delicious. 很久以前...

  • have second thoughts 转念一想,再一想

    21-09-10 如果你对某件事情 have second thoughts,就表示你 不确定之前的想法是否正确,或经过重新考虑而改变主意。注意,它和 on second thoughts 的意思有点不一样,后者一般用来表示你想更改刚刚做出的决定,并引出新的想法,意思是 转念一想,再一想。 例句 I was going to...

  • be loved up 恩恩爱爱

    21-04-27 搭配 be loved up 描述人非常恩爱的样子。它可以形容结婚多年的夫妻之间的恩爱,也可以形容交往初期甜蜜的恩爱。形容词 loved-up 可以做定语,意思是 恩爱有加的。 例句 Even after all these years, my parents are still the most loved-up couple I know. Its very...

  • 北爱尔兰首例同性婚姻完成

    20-02-11 A Belfast couple were on Tuesday set to become the first same-sex couple to get married in Northern Ireland after a change in the law. 贝尔法斯特一对恋人本周二成为北爱尔兰修改法律之后首对结婚的同性恋人。 Robyn Peoples, 26, and Sharni Edwards, 27, we...

  • 澳洲引入中国真人秀节目《妻子的浪漫旅行》

    19-01-23 Western Australia (WA) will feature in season 2 of a Chinese hit reality TV show, Viva La Romance, with the shows stars spotted filming on the states picturesque coast throughout the week. 西澳洲将引入中国热门真人秀《妻子的浪漫旅行》第二季,该节目在...

  • 《江湖儿女》9月21日上映

    18-05-24 Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangkes latest film, Ash Is Purest White will open in Chinese theatres on September 21. 中国电影制作人贾樟柯最新电影《江湖儿女》将于9月21日上映。 Jia recalled how he wrote the story. The process of completing the script is ind...

  • Netflix cheating 看剧欺骗

    17-05-10 Netflix cheating is when a couple agrees to watch a show together, but one watches it without the other. 看剧欺骗指的是伴侣两人原本打算一起观看一个电视节目,但其中一人却先看了。 A new study has found that streaming infidelity is on the rise. 一项最...

  • familymoon 家庭蜜月

    16-12-11 Familymoon is a honeymoon in which the newlywed couple bring along their children. Familymoon is that trip that you and you new loved one travel for the first time as a family. 家庭蜜月指的是再婚的夫妻二人带上各自的孩子一起度蜜月,是你和你的新伴侣及...

  • 德普和希尔德终于达成离婚协议

    16-08-19 Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have ended their acrimonious divorce battle, reaching a settlement for Heard to receive $7 million and drop her case. 约翰尼德普和艾梅柏希尔德终于结束了这场腥风血雨的离婚战,他们达成离婚协议,希尔德将获得七百万美元的赡养...