• 《黑豹》经典台词

    20-09-10 1. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. 然危机四伏之时,智者筑桥,愚者设障。 2. A man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father. 身为人父,倘若无法令其子女欣然接受其离世,...

  • 联合国:全球1/3学龄儿童无法远程学习

    20-08-29 At least a third of the worlds schoolchildren 463 million children globally were unable to access remote learning when COVID-19 shuttered their schools, according to a new UNICEF report released on August 26 as countries across the world grapple wit...

  • 非洲约有5850万儿童发育不良

    20-02-10 Around 58.5 million children in Africa are suffering from stunting, creating an adverse impact on the continents economic potential, the Africa Development Bank (AfDB) President Akinwumi Adesina said on Saturday evening. 非洲发展银行主席阿金武米阿德...

  • 研究:有哥哥姐姐的孩子学语言更慢

    19-09-18 Having an older brother comes with plenty of benefits. Big brothers tend to look out for their younger counterparts, and despite the occasional rocky moment here and there, many siblings enjoy life-long close relationships. However, a new study find...

  • 最高法:性侵儿童犯罪最高可判死刑

    19-07-25 Chinas Supreme Peoples Court (SPC) announced Wednesday that criminals committing sexual assault against children that are extremely vile in nature and cause extremely severe consequences will be sentenced to death with no leniency. 中国最高人民法院...

  • 未婚和没有孩子的女性最幸福

    19-06-04 We may have suspected it already, but now the science backs it up: unmarried and childless women are the happiest subgroup in the population. And they are more likely to live longer than their married and child-rearing peers, according to a leading...

  • 民政部公布儿童寄养家庭评估标准

    19-05-28 China has released a document on the assessment standards of family foster care for children, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. 中国民政部最近公布一份关于儿童寄养家庭的评估标准文件。 The document stipulated certain standards for foster fam...

  • 腾讯新游戏扩大年龄限制

    19-04-23 Tencent said on Monday it will keep children under the age of 16 out of their targeted customers in a new online game. 腾讯周一表示,将把低于16岁的儿童排除一款新在线游戏的目标客户。 The company will use real-name verification to make sure that users...

  • 英国未成年将不能在社交媒体上点赞

    19-04-20 Instagram and Facebook likes could be banned for young people, under new rules that attempt to protect childrens safety on the internet. 英国出台保护未成年人网络安全新规定,今后未成年人将不能在Ins和脸书上点赞。 A new report from the British Informat...

  • 匈牙利生4个小孩的母亲将终生免税

    19-02-11 Hungarys government is greatly increasing financial aid and subsidies for families with several children, the countrys prime minister said Sunday. 匈牙利首相周日表示,政府将对有多个孩子的家庭提供极大的经济援助与补贴。 The measures announced by Vikto...