• 《疯狂动物城》第9章

    23-01-30 The next day, Judy was back to ticketing cars parked at expired meters. She plunked a ticket down, and a moose yelled at her: I was thirty seconds over! As another meter dinged, Judy scribbled the ticket and placed it on a tiny windshield. Youre a r...

  • 《海底总动员-1》第3章

    23-01-12 Daddy! Help me! Nemo shouted, realizing that he was in danger. Marlin shook himself out of his daze. Coming, Nemo! Mr. Ray led the other children to safety. Marlin started toward Nemo. A second diver suddenly appeared. He grabbed for Marlin. Marlin...

  • 《海底总动员-2》第9章

    22-12-26 Dory tumbled through the water and bumped into the glass enclosing an undersea exhibit. She blinked her big eyes and saw a group of children on the other side. They stared at her as their tour continued. Our next guest has been here a very long time...

  • 《灰姑娘》第8章

    22-12-21 Ella nearly laughed out loud. Her fairy godmother? But you cant be. The beggar woman looked genuinely surprised. Why not? Because they dont exist, Ella replied. Theyre just made up. For children. Now, you know thats not true, the woman replied. Didn...

  • experience的四个用法

    22-12-05 单词 experience 有多种用法。作可数名词时,它指 经历 或 体验;作不可数名词时,指 经验。作及物动词时,experience 表示 经历到,体会到。 用法总结 1 作可数名词时,experience 指 经历,即 亲身感受的事情。 Meeting my favourite actor was one of the best expe...

  • 英国科学家研发出有望“改变世界”的新疟疾疫苗

    22-11-28 英国牛津大学的科学家们已经研发出一种有望 改变世界 的疟疾疫苗。该团队表示,初期试验结果显示此疫苗对疟疾有80%的保护,他们希望能在明年推出此疫苗。 It looks increasingly likely that Oxford Universitys malaria jab is the real deal. A highly effective vac...

  • 用胶带做皮肤测试有助预测婴儿湿疹

    22-11-28 科学家说,一种胶带皮肤测试可以帮助预测婴儿是否有可能患上严重的湿疹。哥本哈根大学的研究小组 用胶带通过 无痛 的方法,在 一组两个月大的婴儿身上 采集了皮肤细胞样本 并 进行了分析 。 Eczema affects around one in five babies and children in the UK. It can...

  • 英国海滨度假传统项目的英语表达

    22-11-02 每遇夏季闲暇时间,英国人便纷纷携家带口迫不及待地奔向海滩,享受蓝天、白云和一望无际的大海。在英国海滨度假,有很多传统项目一定要做,你知道它们是什么吗? 1. A British seaside tradition that youll find on some beaches and thats loved by children is a Pu...