• with great care 无微不至

    21-03-13 无微不至,汉语成语,意思是无论如何细微,都能周全照应。形容关怀、照顾得非常周到、细致。可以翻译为with great care/meticulousness,in every possible way,常用搭配无微不至地照料/关怀(take infinite care of somebody)。 例句: 她对孩子们的关怀无微不至。...

  • 给孩子们进行电子产品"排毒"

    21-02-27 Children are hooked on computers. Some spend up to six hours a day on their gadgets. They can be playing games live with others elsewhere in the world, updating their status on social media, texting friends or looking for the latest app to download...

  • 夏天出生的孩子

    21-02-27 夏天出生的孩子是不是由于英国入学年龄的规定而处于学习上的弱势?政府已经对很多家长提出的担心做出积极回应。 The first year of school can be stressful not for the kids, but for the parents! They want their little ones to do well at school and some pushy...

  • 指尖陀螺

    21-02-24 你听说过指尖陀螺吗?这是目前英国校园操场上最受学生喜爱的游戏,而且越来越多的成年人也开始加入其中。指尖陀螺是否又是一个短暂的热潮? School playground crazes come and go but the latest collectable toy is proving popular with children and adults alike....

  • 中小学生应做兼职工作吗?

    21-02-10 以前,英国中小学生在校学习期间会寻找一些简单的兼职零工,一方面给自己赚些零花钱,而更重要的是从中获取生活经验。而如今,在校期间做兼职的学生人数越来越少,这是为什么呢? When you were at school, the last thing you probably wanted to do was spend your w...

  • 英国学生肺炎疫情期间居家上学的挑战

    21-02-08 自2020年3月以来,英国已经几度实行全国性封锁,以控制疫情。在此期间,英国家长需要帮助孩子参与学校组织的线上课。但一些家庭没有足够的电子设备和良好的无线网络环境,所以不具备远程学习的条件。 Google Classroom, Zoom lessons and Microsoft Teams are some of...

  • 《棒!少年》豆瓣8.7 广受好评

    21-02-01 输在起跑线上的人生,怎么逆天改命?纪录片《棒!少年》上映后,豆瓣评分8.7,稳稳锁定近期国产片口碑第一。这群来自全国各地的困境少年,组成了一支特殊的棒球队,在困难中重生,与命运叫板! A group of children from poverty stricken areas across China gathered...

  • 家庭教育法草案近日提请全国人大常委会会议审议

    21-01-26 家庭教育不仅仅是家庭内部事务,也事关公共福祉。家庭教育法草案近日提请全国人大常委会会议审议。 Parents or guardians should not use violence as a way to teach children lessons, the draft law said. They should not discriminate against children based on...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 16

    21-01-24 CHRISTIES return was a very happy one, and could not well be otherwise with a mother, sister, and lover to welcome her back. Her meeting with Letty was indescribably tender, and the days that followed were pretty equally divided between her and her...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 24

    21-01-21 The Browns were up and out so early next morning that Bab and Betty were sure they had run away in the night. But on looking for them, they were discovered in the coach-house criticising Lita, both with their hands in their pockets, both chewing str...