• 乳腺癌新疗法进入临床试验阶段

    11-11-15 Clinical benefit from use of a novel histone(组蛋白) deacetylase(脱乙酰酶) inhibitor drug may be determined by examining blood cells days after a patient receives treatment. The drug, entinostat, is the first histone deacetylase inhibitor succes...

  • 研究人员发现疟疾感染途径

    11-11-11 The route all strains of the most deadly malaria parasite use to enter red blood cells has been identified by researchers at the Sanger Institute in Cambridge. 剑桥大学桑格研究院的研究人员发现了绝大多数致命疟原虫进入人体红细胞的途径。 The scientists...

  • 新方法检测红细胞畸形

    11-11-01 Misshapen(畸形的,丑恶的) red blood cells (RBCs) are a sign of serious illnesses, such as malaria and sickle cell anemia. Until recently, the only way to assess whether a person's RBCs were the correct shape was to look at them individually under...

  • 精神健康相关基因男女不同

    11-10-27 Most genes associated with psychiatric illnesses are expressed before birth in the developing human brain, a massive study headed by Yale University researchers discovered. In addition, hundreds of genetic differences were found between males and fe...

  • 骨髓细胞能抑制肿瘤生长

    11-10-10 Bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) participate in the growth and spread of tumors of the breast, brain, lung, and stomach. To examine the role of BMDCs, researchers developed a mouse model that could be used to track the migration of these cells whil...

  • 锌调节着脑细胞之间的交流

    11-09-22 Zinc has been found to play a critical role in regulating communication between cells in the brain, possibly governing the formation of memories and controlling the occurrence of epileptic seizures(癫痫发作) . A collaborative project between Duke...

  • 研究发现诱发风湿性关节炎的蛋白质

    11-09-08 Researchers at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine have discovered why the immune cells of people with rheumatoid arthritis(风湿性关节炎) become hyperactive and attack the joints and bones. The immune cells have lost their bouncer,...

  • 癌细胞也需要“蜕皮”

    11-09-04 Like snakes, tumour cells shed their skin. Cancer is not a static(静态的) disease but during its development the disease accumulates changes to evade natural defences adapting to new environmental circumstances, protecting against chemotherapy and...

  • 运动能促使干细胞变成骨骼

    11-09-02 McMaster researchers have found one more reason to exercise: working out triggers influential stem cells to become bone instead of fat, improving overall health by boosting the body's capacity to make blood. The body's mesenchymal(间叶细胞的) stem...

  • 干细胞治疗中风试验通过安全测试

    11-09-01 The world's first clinical trial of brain stem cells to treat strokes is set to move to its next phase. 世界首例脑部干细胞治疗中风的临床试验顺利进入下一阶段。 Stem cells may be able to repair the damaged areas of the brain An independent assessment...