23-01-29 研究人员在实验室里培养出的脑细胞已经学会玩 20 世纪 70 年代模拟乒乓球比赛的电子游戏《乓》( Pong )。研究人员表示,他们培养出的 迷你大脑 能感知并对周围环境作出反应。 Pong was one of the very first computer games. Released in 1972, it involves keeping...
22-11-28 科学家说,一种胶带皮肤测试可以帮助预测婴儿是否有可能患上严重的湿疹。哥本哈根大学的研究小组 用胶带通过 无痛 的方法,在 一组两个月大的婴儿身上 采集了皮肤细胞样本 并 进行了分析 。 Eczema affects around one in five babies and children in the UK. It can...
22-03-28 近日,来自中国科学院、深圳华大生命科学研究院等研究团队,通过体细胞诱导培养出了类似受精卵发育3天状态的人类全能干细胞。这是继科学家成功诱导出人类多能干细胞后,再生医学领域的又一重大突破。 An international team led by Chinese scientists has successfull...
22-03-11 都说狗鼻子灵,但是科学家近日发现,蚂蚁的鼻子比狗还灵。只需短时间的训练,蚂蚁就能迅速识别出人体的癌细胞,甚至还能区分不同癌细胞,未来或可大量应用于临床诊断。 Ants have the ability to sniff out cancerous cells in humans, a new study has discovered, su...
22-03-09 Q: Why couldnt the blonde write the number ELEVEN? A:Because she didnt know which one came first! Q: How can you confuse a blonde? A: Put her in a round room and tell her to sit in the corner. Q: How do blonde brain cells die? A:Alone. Q: What did t...
22-03-09 自古以来,长生不老就是人类的终极梦想,而生物科技的不断突破让我们距离这个梦想越来越近。美国科学家最近用新疗法成功让中年老鼠变年轻,其中皮肤和肾脏的回春迹象最为明显。 Researchers in the US treated healthy mice with a form of gene therapy that refreshe...
21-11-29 An hour passed away before the general came in, spent, on the part of his young guest, in no very favourable consideration of his character. This lengthened absence, these solitary rambles, did not speak a mind at ease, or a conscience void of repro...
19-04-30 China has launched a smart mini-program of stem cells research to facilitate data and information services, according to Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). 中国启动干细胞研究智能小程序以完善数据和信息服务。 The WeChat mini-program, called stem cell...
19-01-21 Chinese scientists produced the worlds first genetically-engineered human blood vessel cells, providing a promising option for therapeutic use. 中国科学家制造出世界第一个基因工程人类血管细胞,为相关治疗带来了希望。 The study published on Thursday in...
18-08-14 Chinese researchers have identified 21 key proteins that can inhibit or encourage the growth of lung cancer cells. 中国科研人员确认了21种可以抑制或激励肺癌细胞生长的关键蛋白质。 Using genome-wide screening techniques, researchers from the Institute...