• in the cards 可能

    20-10-14 In the cards从字面上来看,很多小伙伴会以为是在卡片中或者在纸牌中的意思。 如果你也这样认为,那就是大错特错了! 我们可以从在卡片中、在纸牌中的字面意思往深想一想...... 想一想我们玩桌游的时候,卡牌里的东西代表着什么? 如果还联想不到,那就先来看一下下面...

  • 中国银联全球已发行75亿张银行卡

    19-07-05 Chinas payment giant Union Pay has issued over 7.5 billion cards around the world, including 1.2 billion in 52 countries and regions outside the Chinese mainland, reports China News Agency. 中国银联已在全球发行75亿张银行卡,其中包括大陆以外的52个国...

  • 中国银行卡发卡量76亿

    19-03-25 Official data shows the number of bank cards in use in China reached 7.6 billion at the end of last year. 官方数据显示,到2018年年底,中国在使用中的银行卡数量已达76亿张。 The figure was up 13 percent from a year earlier. Chinese people had more than...

  • 微信将接入国际银行卡

    18-01-30 WeChat Pay is set to accept international bank cards for the first time. 微信将首次接入国际银行卡。 The move, which has been reported by several specialist tech and finance publications, will see the popular Chinese payment platform accept Mastercar...

  • 中国将加强监管国外银行卡交易

    17-06-03 Chinas foreign exchange regulator said Friday it will start collecting information on the use of domestically-issued bank cards for overseas cash withdrawals and consumption to fight money laundering. 中国外汇外汇监管部门周五表示,将开始收集国内发行...

  • 表达“吃土”的正确姿势

    17-04-19 1. not have a bean 囊中羞涩 (一个豆豆没有,囊肿羞涩) 例句:Most people in the area are unemployed and not have a bean to spend. 这地方的很多人都失业待岗,没钱花。 2. max out my credit card 刷爆了我的信用卡 例句:Shes maxed out three credit cards....

  • 海淘英语之折扣与价格

    16-04-06 product promotions 商品促销 you save x% 为你节省x% best seller 最畅销 todays deals 今日特价 list price 市场价 price 现价 promotional codes 优惠码 gift/egift cards (电子)礼品卡...

  • 滴滴快的与中国招商银行宣布合作

    16-01-27 China's top ride-hailing app Didi Kuaidi and leading private bank China Merchants Bank have announced a comprehensive partnership on equity investment, in-app credit card payments, and automobile financing services. 中国最大的打车软件滴滴快的与私营...

  • 中华人民共和国居民身份证条例 4

    15-08-03 第十六条 伪造、变造居民身份证的或者窃取居民身份证情节严重的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百六十七条的规定处罚。 Article 16. Whoever forges, falsifies or steals a resident identity card, if the circumstances are serious, shall be penalized accordin...

  • 中华人民共和国居民身份证条例 3

    15-08-03 第十一条 公民出境按照规定需要注销户口的,在办理注销户口手续时,交回居民身份证。 Article 11. Citizens leaving the country who are required to cancel their residence registration shall hand in their resident identity cards when going through formaliti...