• 中华人民共和国居民身份证条例 2

    15-08-03 第六条 公民应当向常住户口所在地的户口登记机关申请领取居民身份证,并按照规定履行申请领取手续。 Article 6. Citizens shall apply for resident identity cards from the residence registration organs at the places where their permanent residence is registe...

  • 中华人民共和国居民身份证条例 1

    15-08-03 中华人民共和国居民身份证条例 Regulations of the PRC Concerning Resident Identity Cards 第一条 为了证明居民身份,便利公民进行社会活动,维护社会秩序,保障公民的合法权益,制定本条例。 Article 1. These Regulations are formulated in order to prove the id...

  • 中国银联与澳新银行达成合作协议

    15-06-15 China's UnionPay and Australia's ANZ Bank have reached a deal for acceptance of bank cards issued by the Chinese card organization. 中国银联与澳新银行达成协议,后者将认可中国银联签发的银行卡交易。 The move is seen as a step by the Chinese financial...

  • 中国银联卡在韩国日趋风行

    14-12-26 UnionPay says it has issued over 10 million cards in South Korea through local bank card institutions. 中国银联宣布,韩国当地的银行卡机构已经发行了1千万多张银联卡。 A logo of UnionPay is pictured on its headquarters building in Shanghai, China, 6 Ma...

  • 洛杉矶警方用购物卡换枪支

    13-01-04 Police traded gift cards for guns in Los Angeles on Wednesday, in a buyback program Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced as a crime-fighting response to the deadly shooting rampage in Newtown, Connecticut. 周三洛杉矶警方开展回收枪支活动,用购物卡换...

  • late card 迟到卡

    12-10-25 Subway lines in the Shanghai municipality and Guangzhou will hand out late cards to commuters affected by train delays and other traffic reasons so they can get exemption from punishment by employers such us wage deduction, Beijing Morning Post repo...

  • 近1/10信用卡比钞票还脏

    12-10-21 A study has found that nearly one in 10 bank cards contains faecal matter. Cash is little better with one in seven bank notes containing high levels of bacteria similar to that found in a dirty toilet bowl. 一项研究发现,近十分之一的银行卡都携带粪便...

  • King and Knave 国王和无赖

    11-08-02 George Ⅲ asked the once wellknown wit, Horne Tooke,whether he could play cards. Your Majesty, replied Tooke, I am a mere childwhere cards are concerned. I cannot even tell a King from a Knave. 乔治三世问一度大名鼎鼎的才子霍恩图克,会不会玩纸牌。 陛...

  • A House of Cards 纸牌堆成的房子

    09-10-25 by C. G. Rossetti (1) A house of cards Is neat and small; Shake the table, It must fall. 纸牌堆成的房子 洁净及小巧 摇摇桌子 它一定会倒 (2) Find the court cards One by one; Raise it, roof it, Now it's done; Shake the table! That's the fun. 找出绘有人...

  • Cards 'can support mentally-ill' 贺卡“有助于精神疾病”的治

    09-10-09 People should consider sending cards and gifts to friends and family suffering with mental health problems, experts say. 专家称,人们应该考虑向患有精神健康问题患者的家属和朋友赠送卡片和礼物。 Patients rarely receive cards or flowers when they stay i...