10-03-03 Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has likened the country's budget crisis to a wartime situation. 希腊外长乔治帕潘德里欧将国家的预算危机比作战时处境。 Mr Papandreou is due to announce further cuts on Wednesday He said Greece was at risk of bank...
10-02-23 Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address February 13, 2010 All across America, people work hard to meet their responsibilities. You do your jobs, take care of your families, pay your bills. Sometimes, particularly in tough times like these,...
10-02-22 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. This morning, I sent a budget to Congress for the coming year. It's a budget that reflects the serious challenges facing the country. We're at war. Our economy has lost 7 million jobs over the last two years....
10-02-02 US President Barack Obama has announced a $3.8tn (2.4tn) budget plan for 2011, which includes increased spending for job creation, but cuts in other areas. 美国总统奥巴马宣布了2011年3.8万亿的财政预算计划,创造就业机会的预算增长,其他领域有所下降。 H...
10-01-08 Allies of Nigeria's ailing president forged his signature on the country's supplementary budget last month, opposition politicians have alleged. 尼日利亚反对党政客宣称,病重总统的助手伪造了上月国家追加预算文件的总统签名。 President Umaru Yar'Adua ha...
10-01-06 Greece has said it will have its budget deficit back within European Union rules within two years - one year earlier than previously planned. 希腊政府宣布,将在两年之内将预算赤字控制到欧盟规定的水平,这将比原计划早一年。 The Greek government and peo...
09-12-25 The Greek parliament has voted to adopt big budget cuts designed to lower the country's high levels of debt. 希腊议会投票通过采用大量削减预算的方法来降低国家的高额债务。 Greece is trying to reassure markets about its economy Greece aims to shrink收...
09-12-07 The government is to scale back its 12bn NHS IT system in what the Tories are calling a massive U-turn. 英国政府将缩减其120亿英镑的国民健康保险制度信息系统,托利党称其为巨大的掉头。 The NHS computer system has been hit by delays and cost over-runs C...
09-11-18 If you feel like you're in a losing battle with a triple-chocolate cake, a mental budget can help, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. There are some behaviors that consumers try to limit but have trouble doing so, write au...
09-09-09 Nasa needs its annual $18bn budget boosted by $3bn if astronauts are to conduct meaningful missions like trips to the Moon and beyond, a panel warns. 一个专家小组警告,美国航空航天局年度预算将增加30亿美元--达到180亿美元才足以使宇航员进行诸如登月、太...