• defense budget 国防预算

    11-10-11 China plans to increase its defense budget by 7.5 percent in 2010, only about half of last year's planned growth of 14.9 percent, a parliament spokesman said here on Thursday. 全国人大发言人(李肇星)本周四称,中国2010年国防预算的增幅计划为7.5%,增...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Weekly Address 2011.8.6

    11-08-20 This week, Congress reached an agreement thats going to allow us to make some progress in reducing our nations budget deficit. And through this compromise, both parties are going to have to work together on a larger plan to get our nations finances...

  • 意大利参议员通过预算紧缩提案

    11-07-15 The Italian Senate has passed a tough austerity budget, including cuts of 48bn euros over three years. 意大利参议院通过一项严苛的预算紧缩计划,该计划旨在三年之内削减480亿欧元开支。 The lower house must also adopt the measures in a vote on Friday. Co...

  • 意大利将就紧缩预算进行投票

    11-07-14 The Italian senate is set to vote on a tough austerity budget, which proposes cuts of 48bn euros ($67bn; 42bn) over three years. 意大利参议员将就实行严格的紧缩预算进行投票,这项措施意在三年之内削减480亿欧元开支。 Italy wants to reduce one of the lar...

  • 美国首轮国债会谈宣告失败

    11-07-11 Talks at the White House to try to break the deadlock over the US national debt have broken up without agreement. 美国白宫就试图打破国债僵局问题所举行的会谈没有达成一致意见。 Out of focus on the budget; the key players could not bridge the gap in ta...

  • 日本宣布建立赈灾基金

    11-04-22 The Japanese government has announced a 4 trillion yen ($48.9bn; 29.6bn) emergency budget for disaster relief, after March's earthquake and tsunami. 继三月地震和海啸发生后,日本政府宣布拨款4万亿日元作为紧急救灾预算。 The budget still needs approval...

  • 奥巴马演讲 建设21世纪清洁能源经济6

    11-04-17 We also have to focus on community colleges, because thats -- its not just enough to have kids getting good educations. We have to have adults who are constantly retraining. I mean, how many here -- how many folks here who are working at Gamesa took...

  • 奥巴马演讲 针对政府预算的讲话

    11-04-17 THE PRESIDENT: Good evening, everybody. I'm going to just have a few quick remarks. We just had a productive meeting with Speaker Boehner, as well as Majority Leader Reid. We discussed the impasse(僵局,死路) that we're currently at with respect t...

  • 奥巴马提出削减预算赤字两方法

    11-04-14 President Barack Obama has called for raised taxes on the rich as well as cuts in government spending in what he termed a balanced approach to cutting the huge US budget deficit. 奥巴马总统呼吁对富人提高税率并削减政府开支,他称这是削减巨额预算赤字的...

  • 2011年英国经济形势不容乐观

    11-03-24 The UK economy will grow more slowly this year than previously forecast, the Chancellor George Osborne has said. 英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本称,本年度英国经济增长将比预期还要缓慢。 The independent Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) forecast 1.7% grow...