• 德国降低经济增长预期

    13-06-07 Germany's central bank has cut its growth forecast for the country, but says the outlook for the economy has become brighter. 德国央行降低了经济增长预期,但是称经济前景变得更加明朗。 The Bundesbank expects the economy to grow by 0.3% this year, down...

  • 欧盟居民可在任意成员国银行开户

    13-05-10 欧盟委员会计划推出一项新政,允许所有成员国的居民在任意成员国的银行开设基础账户;同时,欧盟委员会还希望各家银行允许储户在比较收费细则后能在规定的时间内免费更换开户行。 European residents will have the right to open a basic bank account in any country...

  • 巴菲特将持有更多的高盛股份

    13-03-27 Warren Buffett is to become a top 10 shareholder of Goldman Sachs after he agreed to amend the terms of his 2008 investment in the bank. 沃伦巴菲特将成为高盛投资公司10大股东之一,他同意修改2008年对该公司的投资条款。 In September 2008, Mr Buffett's B...

  • When the Clock Got Sick

    13-03-06 Once upon a time, in a land not too far from where you live, there was a bank whose outside clock was the talk of the town(热门话题) . Clocks usually don't cause people to talk about them, unless they're not working right. This clock wasn't workin...

  • 喀布尔银行欺诈案主犯被判入狱

    13-03-05 Two former chiefs of Afghanistan's Kabul Bank have been sentenced to five years in jail for the multi-million dollar fraud that almost led to its collapse in 2010. 两名阿富汗喀布尔银行的前主管因数百万美元欺诈罪被判入狱五年,此次犯罪差点使该银行在201...

  • 黑田东彦被任命下任日本央行行长

    13-02-28 Japan's government has nominated Haruhiko Kuroda to be the next governor of the country's central bank. 日本政府任命黑田东彦为下任央行行长。 Mr Kuroda is seen as a proponent of aggressive monetary policy to help revive Japan's economy Mr Kuroda is c...

  • 日本建首家私立卵子银行

    13-01-20 A private-sector ovum donation bank has been established in Japan for the first time. The company began accepting egg donations on Tuesday with the intention of creating an ovum bank. 日本首次建立了一家私立卵子捐献银行。该公司已于本周二开始接受卵子...

  • How many people do you have

    12-12-19 An American stepped into a gun shop,Give me the most powerful pistol. How many bullets do you need? The American walked to a telephone booth, Hello. Is that the bank? How many people do you have, please? 一个美国人走进枪支商店:给我拿一支威力最大的...

  • morality bank 道德银行

    12-12-12 Targeting a generation of students considered spoiled and selfish, a Chinese college runs a morality bank to encourage good deeds. 针对被惯坏和自私的一代学生,中国一所大学开办了道德银行来鼓励好人好事行为。 文中的morality bank就是指道德银行,是储蓄学...

  • 瑞士联合银行将裁减上万岗位

    12-10-30 Swiss bank UBS has announced it is cutting 10,000 jobs worldwide as it slims down its investment banking activities. 瑞士银行UBS宣布将在全球范围内裁员10000人,该行将减少投资银行业务。 The jobs will go over the next three years, and amount to 16% of...