• 梵蒂冈银行董事会调整 总裁将离职

    14-07-09 The president and four non-executive members of the governing board of the Vatican bank are due to step down, the BBC has learned. BBC获悉,梵蒂冈银行董事会的总裁以及四位非执行董事成员将离职。 The move, part of a restructure of the Catholic Church's...

  • 六月中国制造业增长上半年最高

    14-07-01 China's manufacturing activity grew at its fastest pace for six months in June, suggesting that recent stimulus moves have started to have an impact. 六月份中国制造业达到近六个月以来最快速增长,表明近期经济刺激举措已开始产生影响。 The official purch...

  • The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor 9

    14-06-20 When I had somewhat recovered I began to examine the spot in which I found myself, and truly it seemed to me that I had reached a garden of delights. There were trees everywhere, and they were laden with flowers and fruit, while a crystal stream wan...

  • 世界银行降低发展中国家的经济增长预期

    14-06-11 The World Bank has revised down its forecast for economic growth in the developing world this year - from 5.3% down to 4.8%. 世界银行对本年度发展中国家的经济增长预期值做出降低调整,从5.3%降至4.8%。 If right, it would be the third consecutive year of...

  • 欧盟经济措施引起亚洲股市动荡

    14-06-06 Asian stocks are mixed after the European Central Bank (ECB) introduced aggressive easing measures aimed at stimulating the eurozone economy. 欧洲中央银行为刺激欧洲经济发展采取了激进的宽松措施,此举导致亚洲股市陷入混乱。 The ECB is the first major c...

  • He's just been to the Zoo

    14-05-19 When I was waitting in line at the bank , I noticed a woman holding a small child at one of the windows. The boy was eating a roll, which he thrust at the teller. The teller smiled and shook his head. No, no, dear, said the boy's mom, and then, turn...

  • 2014年巴克莱银行将裁员1.4万

    14-05-08 Barclays is to cut 14,000 jobs this year - half of them in the UK - as part of a new strategy, the bank has said. 作为新战略之一,巴克莱银行今年将裁员14000人,半数位于英国。 The number is higher than the 10,000 to 12,000 jobs that the bank said earl...

  • This Way to Request 如是请求

    14-04-25 I had fallen and dislocated my elbow, which made writing checks for my small business nearly impossible. I called my bank to explain that the signature on my checks would look odd due to my accident, and would they please horror them anyway. Okay, s...

  • 意外获不义之财 英女子疯狂消费

    14-04-11 英国某地议会误将5.2万英镑汇入了一名年轻女子的银行账户里,之后该女子便进行了马拉松式的疯狂消费。 A young woman went on a marathon shopping spree hours(疯狂购物) after a bungling(笨拙的) council accidentally credited her bank account with 52,000,...

  • 停车费

    14-04-08 A businessman walked into a New York City bank and asked for the loan officer. He said he was going to Europe on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000. The loan officer said the bank would need some security for such a loan. The busines...