• interest rate corridor 利率走廊

    16-04-28 China is exploring the creation of an interest rate corridor , Yi Gang, vice-governor of the Peoples Bank of China said on Sunday. 央行副行长易纲6日表示,中国正在探索建立利率走廊。 易纲对利率走廊(interest rate corridor)的定义为:中央银行通过提供一...

  • green finance 绿色金融

    16-04-28 Green finance was one of the topics discussed at the meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Shanghai recently. 近日,二十国集团财长及央行行长会议在上海举行,绿色金融是此次会议的议题之一。 绿色金融(green finance)指金融部门把...

  • 蚂蚁金服已完成新一轮45亿美元融资

    16-04-27 Alibabas financial arm Ant Financial has completed a 4.5-billion-U.S.-dollar financing round that valued the company at 60 billion U.S. dollars. 阿里巴巴旗下金融机构蚂蚁金服已完成45亿美元融资,目前该公司市值已达600亿美元。 The investment is led by C...

  • 央行向市场注资8700亿

    16-04-22 Chinas central bank has pumped 870 billion yuan (around 133.8 billion U.S. dollars) into the market this week to ease a cash strain. 中国人民银行本周已向市场注入8700亿人民币(1338亿美元)缓解现金压力。 The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) on Friday cond...

  • digital currency 数字货币

    16-03-29 Chinas central bank wants to launch its own digital currencies to cut the costs of circulating traditional paper money and boost policymakers control of money supply, the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) said on Wednesday. 中国人民银行20日表示,央行将发...

  • reverse repurchase 逆回购

    16-03-16 The People's Bank of China (PBOC) conducted seven-day reverse repurchase (repo) agreements worth 130 billion yuan ($20 billion). 中国人民银行开展了1300亿元的逆回购操作,操作期限为7天。 据统计,本周公开市场(open market)仅有100亿元逆回购到期,无央票...

  • Macro Prudential Assessment 宏观审慎评估体系

    16-03-07 China's central bank said on Tuesday it will introduce a Macro Prudential Assessment system in 2016 to replace the current scheme of dynamic adjustment in bank reserves. 29日,央行表示2016年将引入宏观审慎评估体系代替现有的准备金动态调整机制。 宏观审...

  • 荷兰新开一家“便便银行”

    16-02-20 Everyone is familiar with calls to donate blood, sperm, stem cells, bone marrow and organs, but the opening of a new 'poo bank' in the Netherlands means it is now possible to donate your faeces. 献血、捐精、捐献干细胞、捐骨髓、器官捐赠这些你可能都听...

  • 央行经济学家:人民币可能成为“避险货币”

    16-02-17 A senior economist with China's central bank has gone on-record saying that the Chinese yuan is likely to keep appreciating and become a safe-haven currency amid global turbulence. 中国人民银行一位高级经济学家公开表示,人民币可能保持增值并在全球经济...

  • 中国人民银行:人民币进一步贬值没有依据

    16-02-15 People's Bank of China governor Zhou Xiaochuan says the Chinese yuan has no basis for further depreciation. 中国人民银行行长周小川表示,人民币进一步贬值是没有依据的。 The central banks chief was interviewed by Caixin magazine and blamed foreign spec...