• 《百年孤独》精彩语句

    14-08-06 The secret of a good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude。 一个幸福晚年的秘决不是别的,而是与孤寂签订一个体面的协定。 The past was a lie, that memory has no return, that every spring gone by could never be recovered, and that the wilde...

  • 中年人酗酒有损记忆力

    14-07-31 Problem drinking in middle age doubles the risk of memory loss in later life, research suggests. 研究发现,中年人酗酒会使将来患健忘症的几率加倍。 A US study found men and women in their 50s and 60s with a history of alcohol abuse were more likely to...

  • Life at age twenty-seven

    14-07-24 Life at age twenty seven is nothing what I envisioned when I was a child. I imagined by age twenty seven I would be in a serious relationship border line marriage, owning my own place, a successful career, being financially secure, and living life t...

  • 星体的年龄能通过声波测出

    14-07-04 Determining the age of stars has long been a challenge for astronomers. In experiments published in the journal Science, researchers at KU Leuven's Institute for Astronomy show that 'infant' stars can be distinguished from 'adolescent' stars by meas...

  • 郑人争年龄大小

    14-06-10 Two people from the state of Zheng were arguing with each other about who was older. One of them said, I am as old as Emperor Yao. The other one said, I am the same age with Emperor Huang's elder brother. None of them would give in and what they sai...

  • 锤钩者

    14-05-09 The defense minister of the state of Chu noticed that one of his subordinates(下级) , an eighty-year old blacksmith, and still maintained masterly craft despite of his old age. He inquired of the old man about the reason. The old man replied, It i...

  • 暴露年龄的六大身体部位

    14-04-27 We all try to strike that balance between aging gracefully -- and not looking as though we're older than we really are. 我们都渴望从中找到一个平衡点一方面能够优雅地老去,另一方面又希望自己看上去比实际年龄...

  • 父亲年龄大 孩子相貌丑寿命长

    14-03-30 研究发现,父亲年龄大的孩子相貌也较丑,但是这些丑孩子的寿命却会比其他人长。 Older fathers have uglier children, researchers have claimed after linking age to genetic mutations. The finding comes weeks after leading scientists reported children born t...

  • 中年人过多摄入动物蛋白危害等同吸烟

    14-03-06 That chicken wing you're eating could be as deadly as a cigarette. In a new study that tracked a large sample of adults for nearly two decades, researchers have found that eating a diet rich in animal proteins during middle age makes you four times...

  • 英国公司推在线推算年龄服务

    13-12-20 英国Centre of Ageing Better公司推出一项在线服务,利用较为科学的算法,通过你的生活习惯、饮食习惯来推算出你的生命年龄。 The life-limiting risks of poor diet, excessive alcohol and smoking are widely known. But a new service is to be launched to more a...