• 暴力能在儿童的基因上留下“伤痕”

    12-04-25 Children who have experienced violence might really be older than their years. The DNA of 10-year-olds who experienced violence in their young lives has been found to show wear and tear(磨损) normally associated with aging, a Duke University study...

  • Feeling of Youth

    12-04-11 No young man believes he shall ever die. It was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. There is a feeling of Eternity(来世,不朽) in youth, which makes us amend for everything. To be young is to be as one of the Immortal Gods. One half of time...

  • 高压状态会加速细胞老化

    12-02-22 The ability to anticipate future events allows us to plan and exert(运用,发挥) control over our lives, but it may also contribute to stress-related increased risk for the diseases of aging, according to a study by UCSF researchers. In a study of...

  • coming-of-age ceremony 成人礼

    12-01-18 High school graduates, dressed in the traditional Han costumes, take part in a coming-of-age ceremony in Jinan, East China's Shandong province on June 19, 2011. 2011年6月19日,身穿汉服的高中毕业生在山东省济南市参加了成人礼。 上文报道中的coming-of-ag...

  • Downager 人老心不老

    11-11-08 Downager is Generation Y in attitude but not in age. You often hear that young people are the early adopters of technology but actually the study shows that the baby boomers spend more on technology than any other generation. They're using the techn...

  • Year-zero face 岁月无痕脸

    11-11-08 Year-zero face is a term for the ageless visage created with fillers, Botox, chemical peels, and the like. Year-zero face(岁月无痕脸)指通过填充剂、肉毒杆菌、化学换肤等方式打造出来的让人看不出实际年龄的完美面容。 Though traditionally cosmetic surge...

  • 《牛仔裤的夏天2》一

    11-09-19 影片对白 Ian: Are you stalking me? Carmen: Oh, God, it's you. Ian: Shouldn't that be my line? Oh, no, mine would be, Oh, bollocks , it's her. I'm British, you know. Carmen: Oh, really? And here I was thinking, He does a really good accent. Ian: Gets...

  • 最古老的人类祖先化石大致年龄确定

    11-09-09 Researchers have confirmed the age of possibly our oldest direct human ancestor at 1.98 million years old. The discovery was made after researchers conducted further dating of the early human fossils, Australopithecus sediba(南方古猿人) , found in...

  • 婴儿潮一代:70岁才步入老年

    11-07-17 Baby boomers believe that middle age lasts until they are 70, a study has found. 最新研究发现,婴儿潮一代认为,到70岁他们才步入老年。 When questioned by researchers, the post-war generation said on average they felt 'old' only after entering their e...

  • down aging 童真

    11-03-11 What age is most fun? asks marketing expert Faith Popcorn. How about being stuck at six! With these words futurist Popcorn highlights a trend she believes will dominate the midlife years of this generation. She calls it Down Aging . . . a return to...