• Nineteen Eighty-Four 一九八四 Part 1, Chapter 9

    15-08-04 From somewhere at the bottom of a passage the smell of roasting coffee -- real coffee, not Victory Coffee -- came floating out into the street. Winston paused involuntarily. For perhaps two seconds he was back in the half-forgotten world of his chil...

  • 英国人人生大事时刻表

    15-05-22 In case you feared you were lagging behind your peers, a new infographic reveals exactly when Brits achieve life's major goals from marriage to buying their first home. 如果你担心你的人生步伐落后于同伴,这里为你提供了一份英国人人生大事时刻表,它准确...

  • The tragedy of old age

    15-02-27 What is it like to be old in the United States? What will our own lives be like when we are old? Americans find it difficult to think about old age until they are propelled into the midst of it by their own aging and that of relatives and friends. A...

  • 科学家成功将人体衰老细胞转换成年轻细胞

    15-02-23 Eternal youth could be one step closer following the successful transformation of old human cells into young ones. 随着科学家成功地将人体衰老细胞转换成年轻的细胞,人类距离青春永驻的梦想将更近一步。 The process increases the length of the 'telomeres'...

  • 心态年轻的人更长寿

    14-12-22 People who feel younger than their actual chronological age may live longer than those who feel older than they truly are, a new study says. 一项新的研究称,那些自我感觉比实际年龄小的人可能比那些自我感觉比实际年龄大的人更加长寿。 Perceived age might...

  • 夫妻年龄差距越小 离婚几率越低

    14-12-05 一项新研究在调查了3000名刚结婚和离婚的美国人后发现,夫妻年龄差距越小,离婚的几率也越低。研究人员指出,如果和伴侣的年龄差在五岁以内,就没什么好担心的,但是如果一方年龄大到足以做另一方的父母,那这两人的婚姻就很难走到最后。 For women on the lookout for...

  • face bra 脸部内衣

    14-10-15 It seems that women will place their faith in all manner of weird and wonderful beauty lotions, potions and gadgets in their quest for youth. 女同胞们似乎愿意相信任何可以让她们保持年轻的奇特又神奇的美容乳液、药水和仪器。 But one store in Japan is ta...

  • 爱琴海文明比预期提前结束100年

    14-10-10 Conventional estimates for the collapse of the Aegean civilization may be incorrect by up to a century, according to new radiocarbon analyses. While historical chronologies traditionally place the end of the Greek Bronze Age at around 1025 BCE, this...

  • Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 1

    14-09-28 THERE was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning; but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when there was no company, dined early) the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds...

  • 老年人大脑的某部分仍保持年轻的状态

    14-08-08 At least one part of the human brain may be able to process information the same way in older age as it does in the prime of life, according to new research conducted at the University of Adelaide. A study compared the ability of 60 older and younge...